
I thought you meant... oh... never mind.

Different bad! Hulk smash!

Hence the words "been given a design overhaul"

"The question was asked, 'What could make a woman become so dark? To lose all sense of her maternity, her womanhood, and her softness?'"

yeah, I was definitely assuming it was a blown up microscopic view of somethin' tiny and terrifying. Bah

Can we stop using BMI as a valid form of saying if someone is overweight? It's a made up quick formula that only takes height and weight into account and nothing else of a person's physiology.

This is God's work.

bottom line- if a considerable group of people think a term or phrase is problematic, hurtful or just plain unwanted, why would you have a problem eliminating it from your vocabulary? Who cares beyond wanting to be a decent person that aims to treat others with respect?

Lol, those gestures are corny. Why have a gesture for something that you can physically interact with? Let me pull on the hardware and if needed, have it electronically assisted.

The messengers of feminism, Jezebel at least, are partly to blame for that. It's easy for (sane) men to get behind this article about actual things happening to women who reject (crazy) men. But a few months ago Jezebel posted another about men refusing to ignore their own hurt feelings to be immediately open to

* what about those of us who built the tech to advance the resolution?

Cool. The original Atlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1858 by sailing ship.

I feel it would be highly insensitive and inflammatory to leave your first paragraph the way it is. No one from wizardchan, save a few bad apples, sympathizes with Rodger's mass murder. I'm sure there have been just as many bad apples in the jezebel community that have advocated castrating/shooting large groups of

>they were housing someone who made his intention to murder innocent women pretty clear

Internet slow lane. They are wanting to make an Internet slow lane. The Internet fast lane is what we all have access to now and what we the people will lose if they go through with these plans.

The question you need to have the answer to is how often you lose/misplace/can't-find-the-box-for documents you later need, and how willing you are to commit to digitally filing everything. It is simple and effective, but you need to commit to scanning everything you want to keep track of or it is worthless (you'll

Fence rider.

I agree. I really look at it the same way that I see their entry into the fiber market - their first plan was to try to push ISPs in that direction, maybe the same with glass, to try to get people engaged in this field. I just hope the price drops in june.

stop taking the magic away from the internet!

And by the end of the last paragraph, you realise, that oh wait that trolling for commentary as a way to get discussion and repeat views, is exactly how gizmodo stays in business. It is all troll bait. Trolling for readers is the art that gizmodo has mastered. Set the cat among the pigeons or fan bois and watch he