

So you're mad about something that is radically different because it's actually not very different?

Besides your opinion that it is ugly, it seems like your problems with the UI are everything else besides the UI. W8 isn't the bloatware. W8 isn't the ergonomical difficulties of touch screens on laptops.

The bold color and clean lines of the tiles, I find, visually organized, pleasant, and easy to use. I've

I'm not being ridiculous.

I'm usually the first to be optimistic or discredit paranoia but this time I think it is warranted.

Being the optimist that I am I feel that this stuff will be gutted relatively soon (i.e. within 20 years) and things will be different for information gathering technology. But until then I'm not comfortable with

Hey, I get it man. The NSA is collecting everything everywhere and physically intercepting mail to implant backdoors into electronics. I am fine with information being used internally for it's intended purpose with my consent but not if there is a risk of a third party taking and recording that information. Not okay.

W8 is awesome and the xbox one was problematic because of the NSA.

Keep trying, MS. I like where your head is at. You just kinda grossed everyone out too close to Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning news.

Has anyone here actually used a NeatDesk? Is it worth it? I'm thinking digitizing things like receipts, pay stubs, and business cards would be good but if it's not as simple and effective as they are claiming then I don't want to invest in it.


It's a fetish people have. I've seen it first hand.

Worst 9th birthday ever!

I can't do both?

I think I'm mistaking two of last season's episodes for new episodes maybe? I've just been letting my DVR catch them and I never* miss an episode

A lot of people poo-poo Glass but I think it's great. Not it itself but what it means. This is a huge push on Google's part to make this kind of thing seen as actually feasible. real-life HUDs. Maybe it didn't execute it perfectly but we know it is realistically doable. Over the next decade we will see other products

I read this on the job a couple years ago and LOST MY MIND right in the middle of somewhere important when I read the last line. I did NOT see it coming. All I could do was breathe heavily and spin around looking for eye contact (which I did not find) as some kind of way to confirm my existence and verify that this is

I hate hearing about this. It's such a complete and total BUMMER!

A while ago I heard about some kind of speculative science or whatever about the possibilities of a super advanced civilization being able to send vehicles into another universe through a pathway ripped open with microwaves.

Hopefully something like that

Yes, that one :) Thank you!

Made a mistake. It's not at the end of "Model" it's in a different episode. I'll have to rewatch the episodes.

He's definitely a master of his craft in his ability to find the humor in just about anything without attacking or "punching down" at it.

It was pretty awesome!

At the end of the episode "Model" he also did a really funny trans joke, too. That really took me back. I have never seen a cis person do a trans joke that wasn't supportive and was offensive. And there he goes casually dropping a great trans joke at the end of an episode.

(not to hijack the

Best biking clothes? Why, it's swim wear, shorts, and tank tops of course!