Me too. Lotta hatin' happening in here.
Me too. Lotta hatin' happening in here.
These look really cute. Sure they might be knock-offs but the repulsion in the article and comments seem exaggerated.
Also, Japan has a very different view on IP and the laws behind who is allowed to make what. This kind of stuff happens all the time and more often than not the copy-catting is seen as a compliment to…
Probably because they enjoy clearing their bowels without the horrifying stomach cramps and flop sweat.
Nothing will clear out your intestinal tract like a cup of coffee and a Hostess Fruit pie.
The MewTwo of pastries. A delicious, gastro-intestinal nightmare.
Yeah but Denver is a WHOLE CITY at that elevation! Which is pretty neat! I already have mountains where I live.
Prop 9, round two! Fingers crossed! haha
Also cultural change is what really needs to happen. Proper legalization and living in a region where use becomes common kills stigmatization. Legal medical use is not doing that as quickly as legal recreational use will. Then you won't be tested in the first place. Soft discrimination is less likely to happen as well…
Isn't that legislature more solid and turning people away/firing people for failing a cannabis drug test constitute as illegal discrimination?
Yeah. The job really wears you down. Two years on my early-20s body had my knees about to need braces. Thank god I got out of there.
And all the exhaust you breath in wasn't any good for me either.
Coming from a town where rain is so rare that it is something to celebrate about I would find living in Seattle to be the opposite of depressing. I'd feel great about it!
Because even if you have a card you can still be fired/not hired for failing a drug test :(
Man... I have to pick between the culture and climate of Seattle and the nature and elevation of Denver... That's tough! Time to Legalize it, California. I want weed in San Diego.
Nice! Back then I didn't have gym time either. But I took stretching very seriously. I did a routine maybe 5 times a day, mostly before a flight would come down.
I'm so jealous of everyone in Colorado right now. Hopefully the commercial and social success of this law spreads to California in the coming years.
The best workout I ever had was working as ground support at an international airport. All that running around, chucking 50 pound bags, carrying loads on your shoulders allowed me to lose weight regularly with a little big of eating restriction or maintain just fine with a lax diet.
Dude. One of his kids looks like Ellen Paige. How awesome is that?
Oh, she's definitely smart. She's a history nerd and left college because she was approached by a talent agent who found her writing songs like the ones on her first album for fun. She's been asked why she puts out the trashy, sex driven image of herself if she's coming from the place that she does and she just says…