This is the kind of stuff I wished the first season had when I was a kid watching it the first time. Though now that I look back on it with rose tinted glasses I'm glad it didn't. Still, this looks fantastic.
This is the kind of stuff I wished the first season had when I was a kid watching it the first time. Though now that I look back on it with rose tinted glasses I'm glad it didn't. Still, this looks fantastic.
Honestly, I think pokeballs digitize their bodies. Kind of like teleportation, except it doesn't have a "point B" location. It just holds onto that molecular data (in a form of light apparently?) until the "point B" is decided when the pokeball is thrown again.
He television-died. He broadcasts independently on the internet now.
Novelty. In a similar way to people who buy, like, star wars versions of kitchen appliances. They get a gaggy little kick out of it.
This is a terrible argument.
Copyright infringement.
A fast delivery system delivered by a fast delivery system? Now we're getting into a metaphysical, ouroboros type deal. Best not creep down that rabbit hole too far.
This is the same delivery system that was being talked about on TED just a couple weeks ago. That was fast!
I was unfortunately playing a game of Jump To Conclusions. Usually when people bring up Thanksgiving in this way it's usually to talk about native genocide. I didn't read that it was actually about animal rights stuff.
Dear International Community,
We appreciate that you took the time to learn about American history. But we already know about the genocides against the native populations in our history. You are not edgy and cool by bringing it up. You're not going to make anyone stop celebrating Thanksgiving.
Slenderman Digi-volved.
I have only ever lived in the states and I've never seen anyone do this. I've only ever seen people, sans children, keep their forks in their dominant hands.
Nobody wants to make mashed sweet potatoes because they ALWAYS get out-played by baked yams-n-marshmellows and sweet potato pie.
You are easily the best writer in the entire Gawker network.
Yeah I totally see that. If instagram was around when I was a teen I'd be ALL ABOUT IT. I had to make do with a USB 0.5 mega pixel web cam on the family computer to show everyone on gaiaonline my myspace angles. Haha. I could only imagine the shenanigans I would have gotten myself into had I things like smart phones…
Ahh! Thinking about the article that way definitely changes things. That's a seriously troubling.
I was shocked by how yummo macaroni and cheese pizza was! Sounds gross but it tasted like a big, flat, pasta bread bowl
By traditional, I mean what the east coast sees as traditional. Cheese, pepperoni, sausage, stuff like that. Italian pizza is very different, like you said. But American pizza has definitely evolved into its own thing.
I work with k-12 ages a lot and get invited to follow their instagrams. I've looked out of curiosity but by policy I'm not allowed to interact with them on social media. Plenty of them have instagrams that are about 90% selfies. Then there is all the tumblr selfies where people beg for reblogs. Then there's all my…