
These are the sacrifices we have to make.

The wallet's a decoy. All my money is in my soc- I MEAN YEAH OKAY HAND ON MY WALLET GOT IT

I have not but it'd be an honor to.

Huh. You'd think it was the other way around. Interesting.

"Moxie" is a noun that means "force of character, will, or nerve."

It's totally both <3

I wish we'd all switch over to post-apocolyptic Road Warrior names already. They're way cool. I want to live in a world full of people named T-Rex and Gizmo and Blood Moon

Give me a jingle when it comes in pink, yo. I need that junk to match.

Do men ever feel patronized by this stuff? Do you prefer spa/salon/advanced hygiene center to mimic the appearance of a sports bar? Do you prefer all of your yogurt and hair care products to look like oil cans? Or do you feel weird about it like I do when something supposedly ungendered is feminized to be marketed to

This is a very surprising comment to find on Kotaku! You, I like!

I love me some Shadows Of The Empire

Lollipopkaboom was created in 2005-6 as a way to secure a matching new email and username for Maplestory while I experimented with hacking/cheating software. I loved the game and didn't want my legal account to get messed up. But when "LollipopKABOOM" came to mind as I mentally shuffled through countless

Yessss J.G. I love you <3 <3 <3

It's been two weeks, brother. Let it go.

No, but seriously. When can I buy this STD test? I've got some sinning to do, and I'd like to be safe about it.

Ivysaur is my favorite :) I always pick grass starters and always will. Totally don't care about the numbers <3

No idea :( I'm not that smart with all the EV/IV/breading stuff.

No idea :( I'm not that smart with all the EV/IV/breading stuff.

All games have a run-through built into the first 30 minutes of the story on how to catch pokemon, how to battle, and that pokemon types matter. The rest you find out as you come upon it. Other things are not explicitly stated, like how breeding/IVs/EVs work. But you're still able to use them and see the things

It's mainly because of the EXP share. It gives your front man full sxp and half exp to all the other 5. I had it turned off at first and it was even HARDER that previous games. But as soon as I turned it on the game was a breeze compared to others. Especially now that I also have my front man holding a golden egg.