You’re that mom who made it so kids can’t bring in homemade Rice Krispies to share with their class anymore, aren’t you?
You’re that mom who made it so kids can’t bring in homemade Rice Krispies to share with their class anymore, aren’t you?
“The preferred term is American Indian. Russell Means, the Lakota activist and founder of the American Indian Movement (AIM), has strongly rejected Native American in favor of Indian: I abhor the term Native American. It is a generic government term used to describe all the indigenous prisoners of the United States.”
It’s the current academic language. Intellectuals from the community (like Sherman Alexie) use it. Seems like we should probably call people by the names they ask to be called by - not the ones the oppressors have assigned to them. Real Injun made some relevant points about this (language, identity, internalized…
...? This is the current verbiage, used both academically and by intellectuals in the Native community. I’m assuming you’re white and can’t be bothered to call people by the names they’ve chosen for themselves, but even if you’re not, sorry, this is still the language most commonly used in 2016: “American Indian”
I don’t think I’ve ever known what it feels like *not* to want kids. But then again, I’m a very emotional, sensitive, goofy person, very touch-y feel-y with a high tolerance for mess. Kids are strange and silly and that fits my sense of humor to a T. I was also a very wanted child, so even though my childhood was…
You’re wrong on this one, Hannah Gold. Yeah, women can wear whatever they want. But to make a pin-up esque, dominatrix inspired character the face of a supposedly feminist cause is pretty clearly saying that a lot of people are only comfortable with the idea of feminism if a woman conforms to the male gaze, and that…
That last line, tho. Never knew I liked her - girl is funny!
I’m just saying she looks hella different - like the shape of her face is different
Kate Hudson looks... different. When did that happen?
When I was 19, my bf at the time had one cold sore when he was 6, and so I got HSV-1 on my cunt. Whoops. Well, went in to Planned Parenthood to figure out what was going on - my doctor told me I had herpes and I would never be able to naturally birth children because I would blind them. I cried for weeks and then got…
Drake is too sweet to be breaking Ri-Ri’s heart - I call bullshit on that rumor, he’s totally besotted with her
She’s also friends with Kim K., Queen of Making Slut-Shaming Look Like Feminism. Every garbage can has its lid. But the thing that really digs at me is that SO many women experience an internalized misogyny like Chrissey Tiegan. In 2016. That makes them shitty towards other women and holds us all back. And they’re…
Just straight up argan oil:…
Just straight up argan oil:…
This is a beautiful way of describing tragedy and grief under unimaginable circumstances. Thank you
I love this. It’s just so bizarre. So, so bizarre. And beautiful in that. I don't want to ruin my imagination of this by knowing the guy was actually horrible :(
What is “better” tho - and does that apply to men, too?
Didn't know where to put this - but shame on Kara Brown for her Alicia Keys tweet!
Capote? Idk
He’s obviously some kind of abuser himself - would not be surprised if they found troves of child pornography on his computer once he kicks the bucket.
What is an intellectual safe space in this context? I thought safe spaces were places where members of marginalized communities could be without people who have historically oppressed them (like an all-female lounge). But maybe not what they’re talking about?