The photo lacks depth and contrast, so not only is this lacking concept, but serious skill as well. Wtf?
The photo lacks depth and contrast, so not only is this lacking concept, but serious skill as well. Wtf?
You know, the reason people find some of these posts offensive is because the stories told seem to be mean-spirited, not because they're concern trolls. I get that it's easier to make fun of critics than to take a hard look at your work, but these anecdotes would be a lot more enjoyable if you cut the immature…
I think what makes this harder is that there's speculation Collier's death wasn't an accident but that she killed herself because the homophobia she faced in her daily life was too much for her.
I haven't seen the show, but just wondering - the doctor who accidentally inseminated her, that woman gets fired and sued for malpractice right? Like she loses her license and Jane gets a fat settlement, right?
I think it's Japanese inspired and I kind of love it
My boyfriend was friends with him in college. Not great friends, but would hang out at his apartment and stuff. He finds it pretty surreal to see this guy's face all over billboards and movie posters
With all the other garbage out there, this ad didn't strike me as particularly egregious, but the production quality was terrible! They didn't color correct this during post? No one thought, "Hey, this video looks cheap and unprofessional!" before they released it?
I'm just sayin, pee does not smell sweet
I hate how adults talk to children, like they're fucking stupid. This kid is definitely aware of being laughed at right now
I don't know how this competition could proceed so normally when one of the contestants was murdered only a few weeks ago. "The show must go on" shouldn't apply when the show affirms misogynistic beliefs about women and a woman was killed by her sister's abusive boyfriend.
I loved my copper IUD! But I've never had children and my cervix is really small, so it expelled. I loved the next one they put in, but that one expelled, too. I'm on the NuvaRing now and honestly, the experience is fairly comparable. But I've def considered being a surrogate just so I can have the IUD again...
I'm sorry, but his comments clearly paint him as a prideful asshole (he wanted to meet up, but not because she was "very good looking?" - he's keeping her in her place and it's gross). I think this article would benefit from removing questioning language - some people may think this woman thinks too highly of herself,…
Toast is okay, I guess - just kidding! It's good, I just love being a local and participating in the food scene that gets covered here sometimes. I like getting to act too cool because I actually have been there, seen that ;)
Fuck Apatow. Let's not let the pot call the kettle black. Apatow consistently makes films that support the denigration of women and ultimately rape culture. Let's have theaters stop allowing Cosby to perform and stop screening Apatow's films.
Haha, no kidding! Concern trolling at it's finest
I don't think the daughter would have described severe pain as "peppery" - this whole story seems like a very innocent quote taken grossly out of context
Carol doesn't get to be sexual because she's maternal, so goes the thinking of this show. Obviously Beth and Daryl are gonna have sex, but Carol is a mother figure to Daryl so that will never happen. And she's finally independent so I don't think she will couple with anyone, but she might hook up with the good doctor…
I legitimately thought this was about the rapper until I saw the photograph
Just because someone is planning a home birth does not mean they're entitled or white. Don't be an asshole just because someone made a different decision in their life than you did
The first three are totally fair. If this was a woman writing this we would think, "what an asshole her boyfriend is for refusing to identify himself as her boyfriend and not inviting her as his date to this wedding. Also, who's a dick to animals? That sucks." Just sayin