
The lack of Metroid news really killed my buzz :(

It’s not unreasonable for someone who’s a fan of a particular formula to want that formula to stay in tact, especially when it’s a really, REALLY successful formula.

All I want is to play Fallout single player, not on a server with strangers. Bethesda PLS

All I want is to play Fallout single player, not on a server with strangers. Bethesda PLS

Ran perfectly smooth on max settings with a 1070

As the spiritual successor to Gawker, you guys should probably keep your head down with virtue signaling shit like this.

Breath of the Wild sequel

Because passing on your genes is the most basic instinct that all life shares?

Generally what happens is this:

You keep posting that it’s “good for competition” with no evidence.


You should read up on the psychologist Clotaire Rapaille.

You should read The Millionaire Next Door and walk back your sense of self satisfaction a bit. No truly wealthy person thinks that $550 a month for a car is reasonable.

A 0% interest loan on 1k over a couple years. If I’m going to spend that money anyway, that’s the smarter financial choice. You’re an idiot.

holy crap being a woman / girl sounds fucking terrifying

Did you just the Joker’s insanity argument?

then you have to ride a Shadow, which is unapologetically a sportster knockoff

Also 29, bought my Sportster 1200 Custom 10 years ago. I love that damn thing, runs flawlessly. Never caused me a single issue.

This just in: People have different opinions about things like comfort.

Nice ride man. I bought a 2008 1200 Custom back in 08. A lot of people here piss and moan about Harley, but I doubt many have had a vehicle for 10 years and still love it like I love mine. Enjoy.

I didn’t say I was cramped. I said I didn’t like it. Nowadays, my car is an appliance. Which is a perfect example...