
Prepping a future sister-wife?

He’s probably done this before, though. Demand creates supply, and I’m sure he’s been supplied from multiple victims. It sounds like he commissioned it.

No shit, I can’t even imagine what that would be like, finding out the person you married and have kids with is like this. I suspect he had to push a lot of heart break and anger aside to get the authorities what they needed. He put his and all kids first. Good show.

“Bcuz no1 evur cares if it’s a boy, it only matters in the media if it’s a guuuurl”

It's not clear how she could have won any pageants with that face.

Alt is also an active member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I’ve heard of a time where a single mother didn’t want her daughter to go to a friend’s sleepover because the friend’s father was there. The mother didn’t say there were any accusations or creepy vibe from him. She just didn’t want her daughter to be in the same house as a man even through the mother would be there.

Ok, not a Perez Hilton fan but have to leap to his defence here. Any parent of young kids knows that they see you naked constantly. In the morning my bathroom is like a rave in Ibiza (only not fun), we’re all running around naked trying to get ready. Any accusations of Hilton being a pedophile for showering with his

“We have already shut our adoption services, because we believe our children may not receive real love”

This is so sad. In 1978, I was one of two adopted babies allowed out of India. The adoption was through Missionaries of Charity. Given the long-ingrained contempt of women and girls in some aspects of Indian culture, to think that that many more children won’t be helped (mostly girls) is heartbreaking.

Drying it out has to be an improvement over the quivering, gelatinous horror that is regular Spam, though.

I mean, they LOOK exactly like dog treats. They're not really even trying are they?

“White trash on the ground at night” sounds like an average evening here in Terre Haute, Indiana.

There we go randi! Florida Jez meetup: Adult Prom from the 80s!

I read this and what made it to my brain was “I’m too important/rich/special to be shot. Shoot that guy over there. Who cares about him.” Maybe my brain is crazy.

Wow. Take him, not me. I mean, I would probably say something terrible like that, too, because I don’t want to die. But I don’t think I’d tell the story to everybody in America. But who knows.

honestly its the most straightforward platform of any presidential candidate with regards to avoiding mass shootings

Also the most believable thing he’s ever said. And the most relatable.