
Some people should not be allowed to buy aftermarket wheels. Those people make up 96% of the people who buy aftermarket wheels.

1) Sell a lot of parts.
2) LeMons.
3) Checkered flag???

I remember once riding in some kind of expensive Mercedes (or something Europe-y) that had a single giant wiper blade linked to a weird cam (I guess) that would dip the blade in the middle of the windshield and bob back up at the edges. It could clean almost the whole windshield. With one wiper!

Seemed like a good idea

Regarding LA road names I have only one comment: Lah See - Eng Ah.

(I’ll just leave that here.)

Aukey must be paying BIG WEB money for how much this site pimps their stuff.

Aukey must be paying BIG WEB money for how much this site pimps their stuff.


If you look up “Nazi car” in the dictionary there is a picture of a VW Beetle. The Iron Cross sticker on the back window earns this Hitlermobile a CP.

Dat azz! CP.

I’m honest. And you are wrong.

That car would look very classy with 17" wheels. Those drug-dealer/wannabe rims do this car no favors.

Ugly AF.

“Now, you can polish a turd, you can put lipstick on a pig, and you can make your inexpert son-in-law a Middle East peace negotiator Wookie wife the expert on children’s school lunches (More kale! And arugula!), in between her multi-million dollar vacations with extended family on the taxpayer’s dime.

There. Fixed it

That gal riding away on the cart with him would probably be a lot more comfortable if she let her belt out a few notches!

Yes, and as a straight sci-fi fan I just want to say that I love Dick. I think Dick is awesome. And I can never get enough Dick. Thank you, that is all.

Touareg were/are African MUSLIM slave traders/murderous desert raiders.

Fixed it for you. I wouldn’t drive that whip for free. VW execs were really out to lunch when they approved the name of this one for the USA market. They probably just assumed that stupid Americans don’t know what anything foreign means.

Trump said something “unkind.” Snowflakes! Call a Waaaaaaa aaa aaa aaa ah-ambulance.

The smart way to buy fake stuff is when it is really cheap and the quality is great.

This one does not check both boxes. Crack to the Pipe.

Is this the COTD? This HAS to be COTD!!!!!!!!

The Mark II was the (awesome) Cressida in the USA.

The Mark X, and Reiz are basically sporty Camrys with 6 cylinder engines, dual exhaust, and better names. Which America is not worthy of having. We got ‘em here in China, and every time I see them I think to myself, wow! Cool Camrys exist, and I want one!