
A lot of these Title IX departments are just kangaroo courts run by ardent feminists who are more concerned with pushing an agenda than facts or justice. Shocker, I know.

So it’s a conspiracy to keep Kaep from outshining Flacco? If that were the concern, why make overtures to Kaep in the first place?

Hell, he might be even better while on the booger sugar. How about allowing Lesnar use the roids and Jones use the blow?

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

What’s funny is how all of the Jezzies here act like women never give long winded bullshit answers, or try to talk down to men, or other women.

My nightmare is that in late 2018 she decides she wants a rematch. This time many people run against her in the primaries, and no one emerges as the definitive “anyone but Hillary” candidate.

OJ stalked his ex-wife and then cut her head off for daring to see other men. The average Root poster is happy that he’s going free, though, because police kill black people. And I’m not sure why one injustice makes another injustice a good thing, but that’s the logic at play here.


I really wish the announcers of these tournaments would stop acting like screaming children on SOCOM headsets, it’s so obnoxious, and makes it really hard to take professional gaming seriously (not to mention it hurts my ears when they are talking then start screaming at twice the decibel level). Also, can one of

billy haisley is hot garbage.

What an appallingly narcissistic post. Yes, Angela, what happened at that Bronx hospital is all about you and your puerile identity politics. Shut. Up.

“the American myth of black criminality”

For the fucking love of whatever gods have sought fit to curse us all:

how many more intrusive shitty ads do you think you guys can shoehorn onto the page??

Whether you agree with the tat or not, that tattoo artist has some skills.

You’ll have to compromise but I’m sure that you can find a happy medium.

What’s beef? Beef is when you need 200 mil to go to sleep

Expecting higher wages because your boss is rich is pretty poor logic coming from a bunch of reports. Also, who could imagine that management’s stance toward unions could have changed since the 1970s. Next you’ll tell me all the good manufacturing jobs have left the US.

The $26M apartment is irrelevant. Reasonably the paper needs to be a self-sustaining business.

It is also common for both management and the union to essentially ask for the moon at first, then slowly work towards a compromise.