
Just like that genius PR plan by the Texas theater for the “women only” showing of Wonder Woman, this is was beautiful PR work by the Seahawks. They looked like they’re the ones reaching the olive branch out as opposed to other teams, and then their own coach publicly states he should be starting somewhere. Just

Pander much to the lowest common denominator? Though I don’t agree with it in full, Jerry made a concise argument about his dislike for Subban and your knee-jerk reaction is to cry racism? Jerk off.

I’m so glad he’s not in Montreal anymore, so I don’t have to hate him.

I’m not taking Trump’s side on anything, either, but I can’t be Team Kathy on this. That severed Trump head stunt was just as bad as the horrible images of Obama being lynched and so on. I condemn all of it.

Who cares? Chris Cornell is gone and life is bullshit.

Jesus Christ, those Twitter responses are from a bunch of crybaby pussies. So Rhianna can do what she wants, but if someone tells her to sit down and happens to be white and male he is a misogynistic pig?

You’re making excuses for someone who murdered their own children. Please, shut the fuck up.

You either get cameras all the time or you get no cameras at all.

If you choose to watch playoff basketball instead of playoff hockey then you deserve this season

Two #1 seeds vs a field of #16s

Lest we forget, Joe Lieberman is and always has been a piece of shit.

I propose we remove “woke” from any and all future discussions.

The reason why the civil rights movement was successful was because it had a very clear agenda and well-established leadership. The issue with BLM and many other modern “movements” is that they don’t. We will never make forward progress when we are all running in different directions.

Because you don’t want to differentiate between justified and unjustified shootings, and it steals energy from cases where we should be genuinely angry.

I lol’d Hamilton Nolan referred to himself, Gawkermodo, and the BuzzFeed list jockeys as “journalists”

Yes, it’s the profession. I had my pay cut and was laid off while working in print. Given that, I’d say they’re pretty fortunate.

Social media editor has 3600 twitter followers. He’s overpaid.

If you have 10+ years of experience and are only pulling down $35k a year, as evidenced by many of those in that picture, then I’d say it’s YOU who is the problem, not the company. Take the initiative, move, advance, go for more opportunity, more financial incentives, etc. And to think this is in Chicago? GTFO.

It’s the latter, but why bring facts into this?

So are the owners, “a group of wealthy investors” making mad bank running an “alt-weekly” at the expense of their poor suffering employees? Or is are they funding a charity case publication to make sure their political viewpoints are heard? In the second case do you really think they’ll agree to lose even more money