
You should also expect a Billy article to contradict it’s headline, as this one does.

Expected two things when I clicked on this:

1. For the article to be way longer than it needs to be.
2. For the article to make it feel like one of the richest and most successful teams in the world with many of its greatest players was a genuine underdog.

Not leaving disappointed.

Don’t you know that men now get to be the first females to do things now? That must suck for females that men get to be the best females now. Real progress.

Someone doesn’t understand the difference between “Headquarters” and “distribution hubs.” Color me shocked . . .

So lets the corporation walk. The jobs will leave, the families will follow and the teachers end up unemployed

Your supposed to take from it that a woman (read: gender entitled and empowered) destroyed a rich person’s possessions who also happens to be a conservative (read: evil and deserving). Your supposed to feel that this is somehow a great thing for womankind and funny.

For real, fuck off Bob. I don’t care if it’s not his main language, he came off looking like a fucking dope. If you can’t compose some semblance of a coherent thought for your first major main ESPN job, then don’t even do it. That whole broadcast was hot garbage. Rex didn’t have much to say and when he did, he stepped

At ESPN Deportes his job is to provide his journalistic services in Spanish. At ESPN, it’s to do it in English. He did that poorly last night.

This is much better when read in Paul Heymans voice. Try it out!

“I swear: I have no idea how those steroids got into my cocaine!” -Jon Jones

No it wouldn’t. Black man accused of a crime and even liberals turn into 1956 Alabamians

They investigated the racial angle, but realized that women still beats black in the oppression hierarchy.

This is a tough one for deadspin because it’s a black guy and a woman and one has to be lying.

Woods said he had an “unexpected reaction” to prescription medication.

The flood happened in 2013, before every single one of the interviews where he said it was in the game.

Points gun at cops.

Hopefully someone. I’m actually the creator of the YT video linked here and I’d seen lots of gameplay videos of 4K content downscaled to 1080p, but nothing native and I have a 4K display. I figured it was worth the upload; though I’ll have to say, having it appear on Kotaku right in front of me was a bit of a surprise.

OK jewboy. Go back to doing what you were doing.

These takes are so boring. Kaepernick stinks.

Oh, but its so much more ego stroking to see one person apologize to you then throw it back in their face.