
I also notice that the link to his recipe says to liberally season the meat with salt and pepper (which he apparently says to skip), and mentions nothing of ice.

BLM can go and FUCK themselves. These niggers are domestic terrorists and like all blacks, should be lined up against the wall and SHOT!

It’s also hilarious for Deadspin, the website which posted a rape video along with a lot of non-consensual porn (eventually leading to their owner’s bankruptcy), to tsk-tsk anyone.

the man loves his grandmother and appreciates her selflessness in helping him overcome difficult circumstances. who cares if his sincere emotions include a “swear word”...other than joe buck, that is.

Oh, yeah, I’d love to pick up the tab for the guy w spent two decades beating the shit out of himself and now that he’s older has changed his mind.

They should have started by cutting their trash 6pm Sportscenter sc6

There is no such thing as ‘internalized misogyny’. That’s a copout for women for not taking responsibility for their actions, as if society had somehow brainwashed them and made them into helpless puppets on a string. A man who says or does misogynistic things is a misogynist while a woman has internalized behavior,

Well, that was gross, and eff you for sharing it. I hope someone from their jurisdiction’s Animal Control unit sees this and opens up an animal cruelty investigation. Because that’s what this is.

Maybe you missed the part about how he assaulted multiple people at a medical treatment center. Whats your idea, send him a different treatment center to assault more people? Reading his history the guy has had so many chances and failed at all of them. Yet somehow you say it’s b/c he’s black that he is finally

the writer of this article I believe is a retard

They have officially etched their names into the Guiness book of who gives a shit.

“Pylilo interviewed six current team members, five of whom detailed their encounters with men on SeekingArrangement. All of them said that they met up with men and received gifts and money for their time, but didn’t have sex with them.”

Of course it made you smile, you’re a racist bigot.

Bicycle kick on Deadspin, “Yeah right!”

Did...did that dude chest-bump a wall?

lol ratings

Can “woke” go away now?

Catering to the lowest common denominator is no excuse. It is exactly how we ended up with what we now have at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

They just want their piece of the pie, eh? Their pie is non-existent.

Lost me at “Early Access.” It bugs me to no end that games like Rust and H1Z1 have been in early access for ages and probably won’t come out of it anytime soon.