
Because the Academy rewards Best Picture based on what the artistic folks in Hollywood deem to be the best movie not what the average moviegoer like you or I enjoyed, it also is all political and people vote based on a multitude of factors. Personally, I think Moonlight won because they were all called racists last

I got a raise and promotion this year in a non-union job. The company also cut three people doing the same job who were god damned awful.

You only made it seems like it was cause and consequence, congrats.

You’re right. I forgot crime isn’t the problem. White people are. Thanks for reminding me. Keep an eye out for those pesky opossums!

My issue, since you didn’t ask me, is that your grammar is horrible. Are you a paid writer? Do you depend on somebody else catching your mistakes? If you want, I’ll post the mistakes contained in your article that neither you, your proofer, or your Editor caught. The list is substantial and should be quite

I’m sorry but you guys really need to employ an editor. If you keep on referring to this blogging material as “journalism,” you should act like it, regardless of the content.