
funny how you left out the part where she hit a cop car while they’re walking up and continued to drive

wait, whenever there were ultra violent BLM members, I thought we were told that BLM doesn’t have leadership??

god, is everyone on ehre too dumb to understand that this doesn’t mean cops aren’t trained?

that’s because you’re an idiot. this has zero impact on the training cops receive.

she must prefer the slow pain of being bored to death

did you have your bi montly pitty missionary fuck with your wife tonight and that’s why you’re feeling giddy?

probably not as pathetic as some idiot judging others

get a divorce

broken, stupid, judgmental, and you think anyone here gives a shit about your boner

your partner doesn’t know unless you check in ever 2 minutes. how totally not condescending

they’re not dismissing it, you idiot. They’re simply saying that the evidence thus far does not present a compelling argument for that charge

whoa there, edgy comment!!

editing is tough. We understand

PS has been out in front for a while. I would assume MS being third is accounting for 3DS sales in addition to Switch sales. Switch is outselling Xbone to a tune of 5:1 right now. It should make up the gap (about 3mil units vs 10mil) pretty soon

this was delightfully stupid, kudos

goddamn you are one bitter black idiot

I’m not sure if this dweeb or the fucking announcers are more annoying

they do, but don’t for whistle plays, the logic being that people may stop due ot hearing it.

black fantasies are adorable

what fucking boner decided the top of your page needed 2 rows of ads?? good lord