
situational awareness. Just crank it downfield

Griffin turning it around would make more sense since he carried that team. the Niners had an all decade RB, OL, and D

for football reasons, it mostly ties to systems.

as bad as they all are, they’re all probably better options in normal NFL offenses (which most teams run)

Kap had how many years as an unquestioned starter??

3) I don’t give a shit that I make more than others doing the same job because I do a better job

so all the shit Ted Nugent has said was a-ok too??

hahahaha holy shit

we rightfully got upset when dumbshit rednecks drew images of hanging obama. It’s the same fucking thing, numbnuts

I adore PK, but is very much a dick on the ice. Don’t have to be a racist to see that

it was a shit movie, despite what the guy invested in it has to say


you must be crying now :(

what terrorism, someone ran a curb???

clearly, not here, since it’s still an ‘accidental car running up a curb’

suck a fucking dick faggot

when are you updating this to a title reflective of the terrorist attack

Jezmodo style guide:

almost as original as your stupid repetitive comments

look at the fucking title. Gawker pretends things aren’t obvious terrorist attacks