
it’s bullshit to pull people over for breaking the law now??

this is maybe the one and only time a recent law school grad can say that haha

there is almost certainly no profits to be shared. This pub did big time layoffs a few years ago, and that was after several years of declining sales. Layoffs don’t solve the problem of people not buying ad space. They just cut expenses

yup, same thing happened to me several years ago. It’s an industry specific thing. Unions won’t change the fact that there isn’t more money to be had.

they’re definitely low as far as how far can you make it on that... 35k sucks, especially in a metro area.

this is only true if you’re a shitty dumb worker who makes less than everyone.

psssst. t his is fair based on the income level of the publication that recently shitcanned a whole bunch of folks

which is exactly why he’s getting paid the same you’d pay a college grad, since they both have the same amount of experience doing that job

do you think all new hires are valued the same??

buttfucked his way into a shitty job and whining about being paid accordinly

the Reader hasn’t been making money for years, and still boasts on its site how its ad rates are some of the lowest in the area... it’s not a wonder why these people make nothing

circulation number doesn’t mean shit if the pub is just dropping papers left and right and no one is buying ad space (which they haven’t been for years at the Reader).

like most pubs, it was bleeding money for years prior to layoffs. layoffs don’t change the fact that the pub doesn’t make money. having a union isn’t going to change it eitehr

or, you know, that the person being paid more has more value to the company

yeah, now I’m going to start camping on bridges

nothing. it’s a useless degree unless you want to teach for next to nothing and continue to perpetuate that cycle

it actually sounds like this site is attributing speaking like an idiot to being black, but hey


niggers mewling on a blog bloo bloo bloo

a black man is an involved father and the white man still keeps him down!