
right? stupid fucking alcoholic

there used to be an ECHL team up here. $20 would get you all you can drink beer AND a server in a corner section on the glass. In which they put leather sofas on the wall.

baseball players are such fucking twats

all the crying about how she only lost because she’s a woman is going to be the reason trump gets his second term

the shit these guys peddle is no less full of bullshit than the people trotted out to college campuses by the left. only one side is starting violent protests and outright banning speakers, and I say that as a goddamn leftie who hates Trump.

no, but you can tweak your graphics card to automatically adjust to the native resolution to the game if you want to stretch to full screen.

can you guys hire a competent editor or did the shitty union spend all its money fighting for your right to post shitty, sleazy articles

a lot of times they’re under more pressure. this is a result of god awful defending letting a striker take a clean look at the net at the sweet spot

funny video you fat faggot

good lord big glass windows and fucking fans HOW DUMB IS THAT PERSON

I mean, that was lame, but I don’t think that is wy it failed

is this a gigantic POS like H1Z1?? That was probably my most disappointing purchase since No Man’s Sky.

the irony of a ‘progressive’blog throwing around the word thot...

yeah, the dude who went to rehab and mental health services and still committed strings of violent crimes doesn’t deserve jail...

oh man look at all that racism!!!

good lord that is some awful hockey

good lord both those goals are beer league goals

because they were quite literally prostitutes

again, look at the numbers when it isn’t a WWC or the year following. or, you know, compare the world cup years for each.

it was also a snippet from the year that of and following the WWC, and the USWNT victory tour. And did not include the WC.