
‘We saw it when Hillary Clinton lost to an old guy who doesn’t have a brain’

oh for the love of god are you comparing jews and slaves to fucking undocumented immigrants??

it’s because the left is the party of pet causes. this is a perfect example. of all the things going on now, who gives half a fuck about immigration?

this ‘article’ is some union quality work here. glad to see you guys trying real hard!

yeah seriously... at least Jericho is still entertaining

i’d be crying too if I put forth so little effort on 2 of the biggest plays of the game

would have been a better situation if both died and he was jailed. Fuck that guy, but fuck dipshit bikers

yes, but only if the parity was due to there being multiple teams at the level (or close to it) or UConn. No one would care if all teams were equal but bad.

wow you really sound on fleek by using woke!

football doesn’t cost nearly as much as hockey does, and even at a shitty school, still draws revenue.

yeah this is basically what happens after you get a cease and desist, continue, lose in court, and continue to be a shit.

15 games even though the courts didn’t prosecute and it was determined that the marks weren’t from him

the expenses for women olympians just went from $1000 to $70000/yr. The women are not bringing in additional revenue from their games now. The bulk of US hockey funding is made up from youth and beer league dues.

yeah, and women’s basketball is suddenly the darling sport of the US because it is subsidized by the NBA, right?

go read any forum about bw/sc2.

seriously. it’s a cool concept but it is always done so fucking poorly. not touching another early access bullshit afte trying H1Z1

the demo is how it is displayed on a modern machine with much higher native resolution. it looks really janky if you boot up today.

there’s an interview somewhere where they basically said no because the games are so old that it would take more than just a graphics update to make them fun on modern systems.

the entire purpose is to keep it in the same engine because a very large amount of people dislike the sc2 engine

women’s hockey would not exist without subsidies from the men’s side... why on earth do they deserve any of those things besides disability? kids in minor hockey ride the buses everywhere because that is their worth. hockey, let alone international hockey, is incredibly expensive to set up for organizations, and the $