
it’s already supported almost entirely by the men’s product.

they already have friendlies. no one really cares.

soccer is also an internationally played sport, so there are more opportunities for fans. Hockey, even men’s, is a niche.

professional women’s hockey in Canada doesn’t generate any kind of money. No way it will in the US

gawker is really depserate for impressions, eh? Running stories on the same page one into another?

public unions are a cancer on society

what about when gawker wants to look??

good lord these announcers are really bad even by esport levels. is the fighting game community just a bunch of fat black hipsters yelling these days??

wahhh why’d that copy stop that drunk idiot from running

hate it. it’s still a bare bones single player exploration game.

unions are great for blue collar jobs, but you have to be a special kinda stupid to think it is beneficial in something like media or anything white collar where you can very easily demonstrate your value to the company.

Milan fan and that’s a dead easy call. Nothing to complain about. His arm is out, not tucked.

do you fucking dweebs realize there are more than 4 teams

the biggest enemy of women are other women. you’re a cunt.

jezebel hyping up two shitty rappers because this site is WOKE

alternatively, the shitheads putting planes and firetrucks in their yards can go... to communities that don’t have HOAs? jesus. And I hate HOAs.

news flash: people don’t want to live next to idiotic, trashy neighbors

are you so flippant to transgender people you idiot??

I think it’s actually a pretty solid movie, but no where near 100% on RT. 2017 is a liberal circle jerk. Moonlight wins because BLACK. 100% ratings because BLACK

the new hip thing is to be super supportive of any minority film