
wahhhh I’m a bitter porch monkey!!

waiiiit are you pretending that it wasn’t a blatant token Oscar backlash to last year’s shitshow hahahahahah

wahhhhhh it’s the white man’s fault I am working at McDonald’s!!!

oh shut the fuck up. this entire show was a mea culpa to black people by nominating them for everything since it was racist last year.

‘least white it’s ever been’

because they hate horror movies. Moonlight winning despite not being the best movie shows the Oscars aren’t racist (or are at least trying to seem that way)

this movie is going to get the same circle jerking that Moonlight got. Good movies, but they’re GREAT because Hollywood was racist last year, and now we have TRUMP

this one was easy. Last year, Hollywood is called racist. Of course the good but certainly not best of the year movie featuring a black cast gets the nod

2017 was the Black People Strike Back. Moonlight was a good but not great movie that got the award specifically because of last year. Ditto to this award.

yeah I was expecting an elbow or something harder

i didn’t realize black people had access to library computers. good for you!!

it’s a place that’s probably open lunch - late night 7 days a week. any decent place is going to have several managers to cover those hours. And you need front of house management in addition to kitchen management. Certainly on busy nights at the very least.

tapas translates to snacks/appetizers, you uncultured, fat, American, idiot.

and yeah, going on the deathball, the fact that this is a major highlight says what you need to know about SC2 vs BW. In BW, this is an every match thing at a high level.

at least as far as SC2 is concerned, it would be because there are far less viable options than Bw. and the new expansions all changes the game in ways that were not positive.

they didn’t give to BLM because BLM is a shit ass, racist, hate-mongering organization pursuing a give cause.

they didn’t give to BLM because BLM is a shit ass, racist, hate-mongering organization pursuing a give cause.

being a useless fat shit is what almost killed this person

and yet, by chalking it up to validation through the male gaze rather than just saying ‘I was, and still am, an insecure, broken person’.

that’s what happens when we continue to encourage dumb kids to follow their heart and say nothing when they study philosophy at NYU. but yeah - socialism!!!