
and yeah, going on the deathball, the fact that this is a major highlight says what you need to know about SC2 vs BW. In BW, this is an every match thing at a high level.

at least as far as SC2 is concerned, it would be because there are far less viable options than Bw. and the new expansions all changes the game in ways that were not positive.

they didn’t give to BLM because BLM is a shit ass, racist, hate-mongering organization pursuing a give cause.

they didn’t give to BLM because BLM is a shit ass, racist, hate-mongering organization pursuing a give cause.

being a useless fat shit is what almost killed this person

and yet, by chalking it up to validation through the male gaze rather than just saying ‘I was, and still am, an insecure, broken person’.

that’s what happens when we continue to encourage dumb kids to follow their heart and say nothing when they study philosophy at NYU. but yeah - socialism!!!

probably from hating judgmental twats like yourself??

oh shut the fuck up. Everyone votes for what benefits them best in politics. Stop the self righteousness you stupid little insignificant shit

oh shut the fuck up. Everyone votes for what benefits them best in politics. Stop the self righteousness you stupid little insignificant shit

good lord spring-summer is the fucking worst sport season because it’s filled with all sorts of shitty stupid hot takes like this about the dumbest fucking sport.

oh noooo a shitty random youtube won’t be able to piggyback off of someone elses’s hard work!!!

is this EA sponsored? otherwise, why do they have the HUT teams/

‘appears to’

wow, I can’t ever imagine how such a vindictive, shitty parent could ever be single for long!

I hope someone joke-punches this twat in his stupid fucking face

using the garbage ass USPS, and not insuring it fully. Good lord this is so dumb I find it hard to feel bad

I got a raise and promotion this year in a non-union job. The company also cut three people doing the same job who were god damned awful.

many municipalities have rules against the same things too

yeah this list is garbage. I know gawker writers never bother to use their brains, but quoting epicurious?? Jesus