
epicurious is a garbage site, so it’s not much of a surprise that the author would recommend bluefish as a sub for friggin salmon. No surprise that lazy gawker editors would pick it up without second thought.

yeah, that sure wasn’t a way to try and make it seem like his penalty was tied to his skin color. no way!!

I forgot. He’s supposed to get beaten with the bat first before firing!

everyone was speeding, so i had to speed more. But totes not my fault.

nothing. Just a fringe candidate providing that all it takes for their to be racism is one idiot claiming it

nothing. Just a fringe candidate providing that all it takes for their to be racism is one idiot claiming it

instead of googling and seeing that idiots on the court always get popped with a lot of stuff (for very good reason) it’s a whole lot easier to blame it on this guy being black.

it would be nice to have an interest, fun, and good competitive addition. OW got stale pretty quick since blizzard is more focused on shitty ARG and skins than adding meaningful content

sounds like you and your friends are all pieces of shit!

i think you mean self defense by a guy who was fucking mobbed by rioters

yeah backing a broken business model. not, ya know, the impending civil rights crisis, the assault on science and schools... but making sure unions are still free to have their racket so incompetent idiots can keep their jobs

hey how well paying are those taxi union jobs??

eh, I liked overwatch for a bit, but TF2 has it beat by a mile IMO. I’d play TF2 endlessly if it weren’t for friends playing Overwatch

did you miss the part just before where he ignored several lawful orders to move back, and then pushed back? there’s a reason he got arrested.

it’s so nice that a nigger like you only has power when he’s typing on a stolen computer

I forgot I turned my ad blocker off earlier... it’s amazing how poor the ad:content ratio is on this site these days. Holy shit.

wahhhhh oppression olympics!!

‘At that moment, I stopped dead in my tracks. Turned around and walked over to their moped and kicked that shit to the ground. Walked toward my car, got in and drove off into the sunset.’