best be putting some more RAM in that bitch. having to reload tabbed webpages is a step backwards
best be putting some more RAM in that bitch. having to reload tabbed webpages is a step backwards
i really like the new look, but i think the nexus one is still my next phone
@Sir Gibler: actually, sprint explicitly stated the surcharge is NOT for 4G. it's for the luxury of using the super duper phone that is the evo
i can vouch for learning another language's phrases. during my post-collegiate euro-backpacking trip i made a point to learn the basic french phrases, and even though it was rough at times, you could tell that the locals appreciated you trying to communicate with them in their native language. because of this fact…
VOTE: brain
@dmtofree: wow, glad to see i'm not the only one
if apple would get off their ass and give safari some real tabbed browsing, i wouldn't even need opera
@r.b.3: just a larger iPod touch you say?