
pdt: t sms lk sm dtrs r cnfsd bt wht FcTm s fr. t's nt tlphn srvc, t's nthr cmmnctn srvc. ll t ds s rt vd, n ssnc, vr wf t yr phn. Jst n mr lyr tht hs nthng t d wth ctl vc clls. Prtty mch VP cht, nt nythng cmplctd. Tht s why thr's th xpcttn tht ths wn't wrk wth Ggl Vc's nrmlly rtd vc clls.

@ID10T: not to derail the thread, but i did have one until joel threw a hissy fit because i made a comment about some story format

i'll go ahead and file this under "no shit"

Yeah, this is nothing. I'm sure it goes through much worse elsewhere along the trip...

On a related sidenote, neglecting to make your television advertisements title-safe for legacy 4:3 tv sets isn't helping your cause, advertisers.


multitasking and wallpapers via jailbreak (redsn0w) are working like a charm on my 2g ipod touch. the 3g iPhone sucks though, so i could see how issues arise

@nutbastard: i think a lot of that has to do with the phone/SMS hogging up the phone's memory. my brother's 3G usually has less available memory than my 2g touch

installed iOS4 and ran the redsn0w jailbreak on my iPod touch 2G this morning. so far, everything is working like a charm. it's a shame that jailbreaking is required for native multitasking and wallpapers on these older devices, but i was gonna do it anyway so whatever...

anything is better than the previous generation's picture quality

disgraceful. USA fights back to tie it up in the second, only to have their game winning goal STOLEN away from them


@sirmeili: so that makes four of us

omg those drawings are so pretty

@Paul Chabot: i was scrolling down and then back up, reading both sides in comparison

that format is a pain in the ass to read

@certifiedfryguy: no, it's great. still waiting for my perfect device, and i've got nothing but time