Radiohead is a mom band now. No shade - moms are cool - but it’s real.
Radiohead is a mom band now. No shade - moms are cool - but it’s real.
I love that she passed on all the official stuff last week to be go be a normal kid. Even though she skipped Radiohead to see Major Lazer which is the wrong decision. Or I’m old and Radiohead is now a mom band.
Does no one remember the Will Friedle Classic “My Date With the President’s Daughter”? I’m only 24 but that’s still my go-to first kid movie reference.
Could he be anymore of a Kennedy?
This is not her native language, she’s not used to public speaking, and it was broadcast internationally. Give her a break.
This is all a publicity stunt and everyone is in on it.
I’m not arguing with you about your characterization of him. I think he’s a fucking violent prick who lends his mother an unearned veneer of patriotism, while also disgracing a uniform I love, that has enough problems of its own.
Thank you truly for posting this. It’s hard not feeling like we’re spiraling into WWIII with the news these days. My husband even lived in North Africa in the 80s and still talks about world events likes its the end of times.
I don’t think a question as easy as who shot Hamilton would be a radio show’s $10,000 grand prize. That’s more of a question to get a $25 coupon to the local bbq joint that can’t be used on holiday weekends.
ceiling fans + AC is the correct answer.
Plus I think that LMM is more social media savvy than a lot of people out there, and people flock to his charm.
The first part is true, the second part, not so much. You can marry a non-Catholic in the Catholic church so long as you complete the pre-marriage program. My sisters both married non-Catholics in their churches, and neither groom converted.
I have wished more than once that victims of these sorts of attacks in Muslim-majority countries would get the same coverage that we give to victims of domestic terror attacks. Show us their pictures. Tell us their names and their stories. Let us cry over these murdered children the way we cried over the murdered…
It was required in my school in seventh or eighth grade (I can’t remember which). I should go back to it because while I remember the feeling of reading it but I’ve since lost the details.
I am convinced that Hendricks is too involved in her clothing choices because nobody ever seems to do her right.
I’m one of those upper middle class parents, and the conversation we’re having is about (1) trying your best, and (2) there’s a college out there for everyone. Where you go is not who you’ll be. Life is too short for all this shit. We’re in California and our public schools— where my husband and I both went to…
I always get irrationally excited about the Olympics. I’m not super into sports or especially patriotic but every 2 years I'm glued to NBC in a way that confuses my TV. This girl is amazing. I hope she gets all the medals.
yes! this is my drum. and PAY ATTENTION TO THE BORING STUFF TOO!!! I know it’s hard, but its the boring stuff that makes SUCH a difference!
This. Not voting in 2010 and 2014 is what got us into a lot of this mess. Every single election counts.