
So, I didn’t know that chili and cinnamon rolls were a thing until I was an adult (grew up in Ohio), but 100% used to do that for after church breakfast (so, like, brunch, but this restaurant has never heard of brunch) at my favorite little local diner as a kid. I thought I was a goddamned genius, blending the peppery

I think it’s super important to continue making this distinction- not because it lets MPD off the hook but because it underscores that the problem is not just MPD- there is something going on regionally and systemically. 

I totally feel you. I had issues breastfeeding as well and always have a twinge of guilt and jealousy when I see people feeding easily enough that they can do something like this at the same time. I couldn’t even get my son to latch if I wasn’t seated just the right way, not to mention actually sucking.

I have literally the same reaction to every Melania outfit- “oh, I’d totally wear that except for xyz part that totally ruins the outfit. Why would she do that?” 

Damn, I didn’t know I needed that version until now and I won’t be satisfied until it exists.

My husband’s aunt did this- everyone else sent baby presents, she gave me a gift certificate to get a massage and came to babysit while I went, as well as brought dinner. It made me decide that this is the gift I’m giving any friends who have kids from now on. My body was so wrecked from birth and then subsequent

This is why I’m sick of the contouring makeup trend. A bit of contouring? Great, you do you, accent those features, but it’s been taken to a level of erasing your entire face and re-drawing it in a generic way.

Literally my exact comment when I saw him. Damn, those Kennedy genes are dominant.

I’d 100% buy this book. And keep it on my coffee table. There’s a market, get on it.

I think it’s just that LMM loves The West Wing and was inspired by it. There was a pretty entertaining hashtag on twitter that combined the two a few months ago (and for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was). But yeah, the connection isn’t obvious unless you’re following LMM on things.

Well, and I know a bunch of high schools read Antigone too (it was standard in my area), so many students aren’t even being exposed to it for the first time in college. It was assigned in high school for me, along with Oedipus Rex, and then I did the same double feature in college. My high school class that did

I just googled, this because I knew she was young, but not sure how young... her birthday was July 1st, 1961, so she wasn’t even 21 yet when this picture was taken. That’s not a teen mom, but it’s not too far off of it. It’s particularly striking after seeing the difference between her and Charles compared to William

I was going to say the Stone Arch Bridge too. So many prom pictures.

Wait, that’s an actual thing, not jut some advertising gimmick when I was there?

Carol’s hair is what I’m doing with mine when it gets totally grey. It might get purple to... just cause

Sue might not be the right term, not a lawyer or someone who has had to deal with the terminology, but individuals have brought lawsuits against individuals in the government in order to overturn laws and won to have the law overturned. So if sue isn’t the right term for “bring a lawsuit” against someone then sorry

My dad has a name twin on the no-fly list and he carries extensive documentation of his ID every time he flies now. My dad has a pretty damn common name- like, the most popular first name for the decade surrounding his birth and a last name that you might not hear everyday, but, like, every other day. Now, my dad

Actual recent conversation with my manager about me wearing a dress (note, our office is super casual, like higher ups wear shorts in the summer)- “You look nice today, why’d you dress up?” “I couldn’t force myself into pants today... it’s not nice, it’s lazy.”

I mean, I live here and I can still never spell Chanhassen right, and they knew a ton of people from all over would be watching this, especially reporters who would need the spelling. The cast of Fargo is 100% correct though. When my husband (who grew up in Minnesota) once claimed that Minnesotans don’t have accents I

I mean, the Paisley Park Pajama Party where pancakes were served was a thing.