Yasss! SO many!
Yasss! SO many!
obligatory: (relevant at 0:39)
The show isn’t “falling apart”, actors are leaving. It’s been a year, it’s a standard length of time for a Broadway contract. I hate this idea that as soon as the original cast leaves, the show has somehow lost something. I’m sure the replacements will be just as incredible and will bring something new to the piece. I…
I don’t blame cast members one bit for being ready to leave. They do, what, 8 shows a week? Keeping that up for a year is rough, and playing the same character and experiencing the same emotions every night can be brutal. Sucks for people who have tickets for after July and were hoping to see her and Miranda, but I…
I always stay faaaar away from motorcycles because I have this horrible mental image of them hitting a small pothole and falling over in front of me. I know this is ridiculous because riders are far more skilled than that, but they’re so soft and squishy looking, even with gear!
Not to mention - I’m really not sure it’s fair to hold a company responsible now for the opinions of former executives who retired from said company something like 14 years ago.
He’s only the co-founder! The other cofounder is still giving money to liberal causes, buying sports teams, and looking like a cartoon villain.
Jesse Williams should’ve been Finnick in the Hunger Games. No, I'm not over it.
With an actual Oscar winner playing the actual queen. Say one thing for George Lucas, he sure knows how to get the absolute least out of his actors.
Thought the same thing. We know what she said and words are rarely spelled out how they’re pronounced, especially when it comes to accents.
Seriously. It was probably just a Utah accent thing, they have some different pronunciations out there (the one that comes to mind is that they tend to say "moun-en" instead of "mountain").
Also, then as well as now, it’s easier to scapegoat the religion (which is incidental) than it is to acknowledge the political impetus for terrorism. Pretending your sworn enemy is both legion but invisible, that its members are simply brainwashed acolytes rather than self-styled members of a resistance movement, is…
At the same time, I thought it was hilarious that he followed it with, “There must have been coordination.”
I wear dresses, leggings, and flats because they are easier to put on. A couple of months ago my coworker asked if I constantly wore dresses as a “religious thing” which I found odd because the dresses I wear aren’t very conservative. Her eyebrows reached a new level when I explained that I do it because it is…
Just like when Amy said she wasn’t going to take anymore fan pictures, I 100% respected that. They don’t owe their fans or random people on the street a stupid fucking picture. A celebrity is entitled to their personal space. If setting boundaries is best for him mentally, then I'm glad he is doing so.
right here. at my desk. in 2016. at age 29.
I think we do a major disservice when we depict animals like chimpanzees as basically people and tigers as large house cats and so forth. Most people have no idea how dangerous chimpanzees are, that they wage wars against other groups and literally tear enemy chimpanzees apart. There are light years of distance…
seriously need change... just hold every primary on the same day in June/ July and lets be done with all the BS.