The fact she only rated herself 8/10 happy with how she looked on her wedding day bums me out, especially after the hardship of all the above. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves.
The fact she only rated herself 8/10 happy with how she looked on her wedding day bums me out, especially after the hardship of all the above. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves.
also...sad. i think everyone should should feel like they look perfect on their wedding day. i hope her main takeaway from her day wasn’t that she was only an 8 and could’ve done better.
I am always floored by the people that hate Beyonce, and think she stands for whatever vile thing they throw out there.
Soap operas, too. Which also supports your point.
I think it is swell how the folks who support these deportations are also the ones who tell me all of our country’s problems are because of the degradation of the “family” unit. Neat.
I cannot even count how many Superbowl Half Time shows I have seen, upwards of 35 and this is bar none the worst ever. Not Beyonce, not Bruno Mars, not Coldplay, it was the melding of all of them. It was lackluster, stupid and desperate.
It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)
I’m just going to say it.
That’s not how it works. You can use “Super Bowl” in headlines all you want. You just can’t use it in advertising.
As someone who’s been watching the show since 1978 (my local NBC refused to carry it for the first two years), no, I don’t remember that. They’ve always had the guest host and musical guests as their ratings hook. For fucks sake, for the first few years they had regular skits by the Muppets. It’s always been a…
As much as I’m not into this Zoolander remake, Ben Stiller is absolutely great, and I wish we saw him more often.
That Larry David clip was absolutely legit. I’d vote for Bernie just for four years of bizarro Curb skits on SNL.
Zoolander boys nailed it, especially with Trump
Lifehacker, for as long as I’ve partook, has long been about helping with common life stuff (often using “this one simple trick”, a.k.a. “life hack”). While it’s had a heavy lean towards the “geek” crowd, and has spun off sections for finance and health, I don’t think it’s ever claimed or attempted to cater to a crowd…
It’s nice to see a major broadcast network actually trying to participate in the current technological reality instead of fighting it.
Higher arches and insteps, hyperextended legs, usually, and 180 degree (or nearly) turnout from the hip joints...all of which can be improved to some extent with practice and hard work...but only to a point. A ballet dancer interested in being professional needs to have a lot of that naturally, PLUS talent and…
Yes, if you know you are pregnant, please stop drinking. If you are actively trying to get pregnant, stop most of your drinking because your reproductive systems will work all the better. But, my goodness, CDC. Maybe lay off the fearmongering. Pretty sure most of the beverages consumed by our ancestors were alcoholic…
This untimely announcement from the CDC made me so, so angry. As a pregnant gal, I’m already worried about the Zika virus (Costa Rica vacation: cancelled). This made me feel as though the CDC is just piling onto the anxieties of an already panicking demographic. I’m not saying their concerns are not legitimate, but…
It’s amazing how desperately some commenters are looking for something to be offended by. “Wait, none of you feminazis are complaining about having to register for the draft? But I had an awesome rant about how sexist and hypocritical you all are! I know — I’ll just pretend being opposed to the draft altogether is…
I was thinking about this yesterday. At this point if a draft was needed - in a WWII like situation - both men and women would be needed. Our military is better when it’s voluntary and it’s unlikely a draft would ever be needed but let’s treat men and women equally.