As in every case like this, there should have been an independent procecutor.
As in every case like this, there should have been an independent procecutor.
The paychecks from this were disproportionate, as unknowns Daisy Ridley and John Boyega made about $200,000 apiece, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver made something more like $750,000, and Harrison Ford made something more like $20,000,000. All the actors get some sort of bonus if the film makes more than a billion dollars,…
It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.
Perhaps. As I said somewhere else in the comment section... What the fuck do I know? A: literally nothing.
I wonder if they know how menacing that looks and feels - that police line, all decked out in riot gear, advancing. THAT is escalating the situation, before anything’s even begun. That is not how you keep peace. That is how you disturb it.
Your understanding is wrong. Viability is a weird term that, thanks to the miracles of technology, is edging increasingly towards conception. You can resuscitate or keep something alive through artificial means way before it would naturally survive outside the womb.
I’ve never been even close to being engaged, but I feel like if your proposal will only be memorable for the setting or the staging, I feel like you’re doing it wrong or maybe you shouldn’t be proposing in the first place.
But where was GARY FISHER???
like, its not even a question. he’s really fucking working that beard...
Whatever. I just want to see all of Hollywood’s super nerds dressed up as movie characters at the premier. I LIKE that JGL did it up as Yoda, it makes me think someone actually went for the movie and not just to be pretty and be seen.
I pretty much didn’t change my name after my marriage out of laziness, but I lied to my husband and said I Felt Strongly About The Patriarchy And My Name is My Name.
Apart from the abject stupidity of mistaking Sikhs for Muslims, and the abject stupidity of thinking all Muslims are terrorists ... I also don’t understand why the turban has become a symbol for terrorism in America when literally none of the terrorists acts here (or in France, for that matter) were performed by…
They recommended 263 years in prison. Obviously they thought he was guilty as fuck without qualification.
Ugh, I know. I always want to yell at people, “Tell me the exact names of these supposed toxins that your magic juice is eliminating!”
OR they are over the age of 35 and just can’t let a sentence go without proper punctuation because they weren’t raised that way. Cher excepted because she has the soul of a teenager I suppose.
Am I the only person alive who just wants a comfortable plain bra that won’t look weird under clothes? Sparkles and heavy lace look absurd under clothing.
I know. Me too. Lin-Manuel Miranda makes me want to love my own life more. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anyone who exudes more irrepressible joy. He just bubbles over with it. I want that. I want every bit of that fizzing, incandescent cheerfulness. What a way to live a life.
It should frighten you. He demagogues to an angry mob and whips them into a hateful frenzy.
For people who do not know: those tags hanging off their clothes were filled out with their names, numbers as assigned by the US Government and the internment camp that they were assigned to.
Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...