
Two bit cynicism strikes again. It was a two-hour meeting, not a five-minute photo op. It was a two-hour meeting, far superior to zero meetings. It’s important to show this issue is something that she is taking into account.


I have also dealt with family members with extreme addiction, so I understand the painful place you’re speaking from, but in the end, I think it’s much more complicated. Should they be held accountable and accept responsibility? Yes. After becoming sober I think it’s necessary to understand and accept some people will

They are not legalizing it, they are decriminalizing it. Which means addicts who are caught with it won’t fear jail time, which means that the focus can be more on health and rehab as opposed to imprisoning them.

I realize she’s a capable actress, but she always either annoys or bores the living snot out of me. :\ If they’re putting her in Clooney/Sinatra role, I’d call that a really bad fit.

It’s the fleas, though. Y. pestis is carried by fleas that infest host rodents and jump to humans and infect the humans that way.

Wait, people don’t know that the Bubonic Plague is in North America? It has been for some time.

You can also get if from prairie dogs! Don’t pet the prairie dogs.

“Be Prepared” Scar’s solo from the Lion King is one of my all time favorite disney songs!

I was watching Neil deGrasse Tyson on the news this morning and they were asking him questions about the hurricane. My admiration for him went up when he said that they should ask a metrologist this questions because he wasn't an expert in this. I liked the fact he was able to admit he wasn't the best person to talk

I promise you, your child’s school will have provisions for this. Not only did my mother keep her last name, she worked full time and generally we were picked up from school by a babysitter. We had plenty of days where, to an outsider, a Ms. L called in Child 1W’s absence while Ms. H picked up child 2W. It was

I had a really REALLY obnoxious customer from Chicago once. He kept asking why all the prices were in Canadian dollars, and I finally said, “When you got on the big silver bird, you left the land of liberty and came to the foreign land of Canuckistan. Bienvenue.” It’s not like he was gonna buy anything anyway.

Now playing

Aaaaand...that’s my excuse to post this!

Man nothing ruins an old racists day like being nice to someone. I work in a bakery in an area with a large middle eastern/indian population. Because of this, we have little displays for non-cracker ass holiday events like little eid al-fitr cakes and a nice spread for diwali. EVERYTIME while we get a slew of happy

Few things are more annoying than whiny little turds who won’t eat anything other than nuggets. Maybe the parents that enable them...

We need stricter gun laws. This is fucking insane, no parent should have to suffer what this family is suffering.

As a Jew, I’m really not sure how to unpack this. I’m not religious in the sense that I go to temple or keep kosher or observe Shabbos ( although I may need to incorporate some of this due to JujyJunior), but I dunno if I like this. I don’t impose my views on other folks but this seems like a weird mix of celebrating

“Can we, should we separate the man from the fictional character who we all exalted, loved, needed, and in some respects, worshiped the idea, the notion behind?”

1) Never ask a woman if she is pregnant with twins.

I’m glad he and Khloe are still married.