
Did she really? These people have a heavily scrutinized courtship and I’d think that family secret wouldn’t have been allowed to slip over tater tot casserole. They may have wanted some damage control to get headlines out of the news and she said she knew to kill the story. They didn't anticipate the Ashley Madison

I don't think there is enough emphasis on this part. I imagine the cake is drenched until it's more brandy than cake.

I will not care about that Panda baby until it grows hair and looks adorable.

I hate this woman.

I also think her fucking sentence is too light. Delaware what the fuck are you even doing?

The GoT fandom - especially the men - get so vicious when the show is even slightly criticized. GRRM is so smug about writing strong women characters too, when they’re nothing but the same fantasy tropes. Like - I get that people are awful & women were raped, but there’s a difference in the way it’s treated by Ursula

To preface this: the following story takes place in Florida.

Now playing

The first time my first serious boyfriend met my parents, at some point it was mentioned that he was Catholic. My mom took this as an opportunity to LOUDLY start singing “Every Sperm is Sacred” from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life. In retrospect, I find this hilarious (and am very impressed at how much of the

It’s cute and all, but I would NOT be cool with bears happily playing in my backyard. Bears shouldn’t get comfortable with human structures and learn they’re a great source of food and fun - it’s dangerous for humans, and far more dangerous for the bears, who will just end up being shot if they don’t learn to stay

I am this girl. All you like bears because you don’t know bears: when I was 8 my dad took us to Yellowstone and a bear ate my doll and my little brother’s bag of chips and then we spent all night trying to calm him down (he was six and he loved potato chips) and then a bear came and shit in our tent. I kid you not we

Oh, geez. This dad. Could he not wait until the kid leaves the room to voice all of his stupid concerns? Of course the kid’s upset, dad is giving a running commentary of how all her toys are going to get destroyed.

That wretched child’s mother is a ray of sunshine, compared to her daughter. I can ALMOST hear her glee over the bears in the pool and the distress it’s causing her family.

That’s a lot of cubs for one bear. Makes me think she’s the fun forest babysitter that takes you and the other kids to the splash park for the whole day, plus ice cream after. Not the babysitter that tells you to play Hide and Seek and then never comes to find you. I hid in that box for two hours.

Yea I think it may just be the culture of all kid activities now. Sucks. My daughter ended up doing it for gymnastics— she’s going three days a week, two hours per time. If she did that for dance she would be “good” enough to keep at it I bet. She loves it, so it works out. She had sort of hit a wall with dance

OMG, pregnancy makes famous women gain weight too. Thanks tabloids for that scoop.

Sounds like my beef and barley. Throw everything into a pot. Taste, season, leave until "it smells right". Puree and sip.

“Me throwing things in a pot” leads to the best soup!!

Goat cheese is always getting involved. I can’t turn around without goat cheese coming up behind me and tapping me on the shoulder.

I want to post my recipes but they’re all either my creations or ones that I’ve tweaked. Except my chicken and wild rice (with mushrooms) because it came out of a best of southern living cookbook. It’s amazing.

That corn soup looks excellent! Thanks for the link!