My youngest daughter states “ If you did not take AP Latin, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
My youngest daughter states “ If you did not take AP Latin, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Or those guys who insist on wearing their Harvard tie and flashing their Phi Beta Kappa key and they’re like, forty five. Dude, college is over.
The writers on the blog generally avoid swearing in the articles, because it’s discouraged by the main site admins, but the comments are a general free for all (except no racism, no sexism, no homophobia and no attacking other commenters).
My favorite.
Yeah, she should avoid Sioux Falls, SD too. We’re not a big city but we have Amharic, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Afrikaans, etc. etc. etc.
Make a note, anti-Spanish people: The US has no official language. It’s a fact. Also, if you have a problem with people speaking Spanish, you should probably leave California, and maybe just go ahead and leave the US altogether. Lots and lots of people speak Spanish here, probably because a huge portion of this…
Agreed! I was a multiple-sport varsity athlete in HS, but didn’t the popular sports, so not many people knew about it. The gym teachers were STILL assholes to me, because the boys refused to pass to me, then I started getting migraines and couldn’t do gym for a week. They told me I could do double gym to make up for…
He would be SUCH a great Bond.
How about low-impact activities? Stuff that doesn’t require hand-eye coordination? Getting kids outdoors (and I don’t mean to the godforsaken track, I mean into nature). Giving them options and letting them do what they’re comfortable with? Not forcing group activities that are going to single out the non-athletic…
I’m short as well so I feel you. I sympathize with the pain part even though I have never had hip pain (I’m sorry you do, I really do because that sounds horrible), but not being able to breath is extremely painful. People have this idea that inhalers are magic wands and can fix it in a split second.
It’s fucked up that her Harry Potter series wouldn’t have been as popular or even published had she not.
This is going to be long, because I have a lot of pent up feelings.
“She didn’t want Lilly to learn about black history,” he said, “She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy.”
I work near a branch of a federal governement agency that is open to the public and the last damn shut down was a pain in my ass. Every damn day people would come into my building and ask why they were closed on a weekday it went something like this:
He went on, “Do I think about who he was as a person? Not really, because it doesn’t matter at this point. Do I think he had the best upbringing? No. Not at all.”
Yet, somehow Wilson feels that Brown’s alleged theft of cigarillos from a corner store (as cited in the Justice Department’s report) made Brown a “bad guy”
That many religious sects (Episcopals, Presbyterians, etc) have openly gay and lesbian pastors and church leaders and perform same sex marriages exactly as they do opposite sex marriages escaped your attention?
When I was eight years old my family moved from Cleveland to Sarasota. We didn’t get an air conditioner in our house until I was fourteen. During those years I went to Florida public schools. Between third grade and twelfth grade I had one one-hour class for one year where there was air conditioning in the classroom.…
My office did a curious thing, I was comfortable all winter and then summer came, they turned the aircon on and now I’m wearing more layers than I was in December.
That isn’t true of everyone. When I’m hot I can generally cool off by sitting down and drinking something cold. But if I get too cold, it can take hours for me to warm up.