What the fuck did you think would happen
What the fuck did you think would happen
Right? How does a man whose father and brother were both president not know exactly what kind of questions he’s going to be asked and that he’s standing on his brother’s really shitty legacy, so people are going to question him about that. I mean, I understand how he misinterpreted the question and then didn’t want to…
Ok, actually, I’m going to ask for advice from a random internet stranger about skin care, since you do this. I breakout every time I use makeup or a moisturizer with an SPF. Like, bad zits and painful patches. I have tried a bunch of stuff- “natural” products are often worse because I’m allergic to a lot of plant…
I think there’s an important thing missing from this story that I read in the CNN one- this girl tanned 4-5 times a week for years. She had a tanning bed in her house. So, like kids burning isn’t good and being out in the sun might be bad, but odds are you still didn’t do as much damage as a tanning bed 4-5 times a…
I need to find the article, but a Romney advisor basically just said the same thing. They’re recognizing it too, well some of them, but the out crazying continues.
What depresses me is that this is how it’s supposed to work. Some party loyalty makes sense, you join a party for a reason, but ignoring your constituents just defeats the purpose of the whole republic part of our government system. I actually started voting straight ticket, something I said I wouldn’t ever do,…
Beautiful everything is her magic, plus enough confidence to basically make any dress look like she’s the most comfortable person ever.
I think because a) the guy who did the original haircut was more expert at it than all of the ones who were copying it and b) It’s pretty flattering for her face shape, especially when she was younger and still had a rounder face.
Interesting- are the contraceptives in Israel more reasonably priced than in the US? It just seems backwards to pay for abortions and not preventative measures, especially because I imagine a 20 week abortion costs more to do than however many months of birth control. But, if hormonal BC was over the counter, like…
Or he could come up to Minnesota where our alcohol has to be sold in separate liquor stores entirely and aren’t open on Sundays. Oh and the one by me has a sign that explains why alcohol sales in groceries are bad for “the children.” You also can’t buy a car here on Sunday. Totally the influence of Sharia Law right…
I feel bad for the kids. Betty is not winning world’s greatest mom anytime soon, but Don is barely in their lives. He and Sally are close-ish, but does he even remember Gene and Bobby exist? I kinda hope Gene and Bobby get to stay with Henry when Betty dies and Sally kicks around boarding school until college. Henry…
I think he did take the blame so that annoying bell hop kid could come home some day. He said something to him about “how will you feel if you can’t come back” and then took the blame as an outsider who never needs these people’s approval again.
Judging by how specific they are about all of the details, my guess is not error. This show is too meticulous with period props to make a mistake.
I assumed that the wizarding government would have no such split, I mean they really can’t afford it, it is way too small of a community. The Scottish wizards would be like, at most 300 people.
And she gets slammed whenever she actually does something with her agenda. Make school lunches healthier- our kids aren’t eating this healthy food, which is totally your fault (I just saw the new options in my old high school under these reforms- WAAAY better than the shit they served when I was there). Let’s Move-…
Everyone is talking about fried chicken being amazing, but I’m putting in a vote for buffalo wings. Drunk as fuck me loves some chicken wings (I’ve never been high as fuck so can’t confirm, but imagine I’d be all over those chicken wings).
My husband uses ketchup as an ingredient in one of the dishes he cooks, and while I can eat the finished dish (you can’t taste it) I have to be out of the room when he’s making it so I don’t smell the ketchup. I was out to dinner with my employer recently and we split fries and she put ketchup on the edge of the plate…
I just was like- no that’s impossible there’s no way... wait a minute, I’M the age of the kids who grew up with Harry Potter movies (the first came out when I was 12ish?) and my friends are all starting to have kids.
My parents picked the most popular name of my birth year for my middle name and the second most popular for my first name. Thanks parents.
Where are you from that your sister made it to adulthood without ever having a sandwich? (Also, I’m assuming she’s an adult based on the rest of this thread, so if she’s a kid, sorry). Burgers I kinda understand because I know a decent number of people who grew up in non US places where burgers aren’t as common or…