
Right? First, give kids way more credit than people tend to do- being trans isn’t a hard concept for a lot of kids to grasp, certainly easier than for a lot of adults. My friend’s kid is 5 and has a very solid grasp on the concept. It doesn’t phase her at all because why should it. Second, how many kids come to Barnes

My parents did a good job feeding us a ton of food, but my siblings and I all went through a picky phase. It would be about weird things and they basically ignored it unless there was something that we didn’t grow out of disliking. For one brother, it had a lot to do with texture sensitivities that were hyper acute

I think it’s ok to have some aversions as an adult, but like, it can’t be to everything that’s not pizza and chicken nuggets (why yes I do have a friend like that, seriously, the man doesn’t like pasta, it’s weird). I have some foods I just hate- ketchup is one and it is fortunately rarely something that is required

Right? Kids I understand, they are developing a sense of the world and a lot of times are picky for weird ass reasons that only make sense in their heads and they can’t explain it (and are often much more sensitive to textures and tastes than adults). Picky adults, like this level of picky adults are the worst. My mom

There are some beautiful genes in this family. The third less famous brother is pretty damn attractive as well.

The church I attended growing up has gluten free wafers now... when I got married there, the rector asked if we had anyone who needed them, because he’d make sure to separate some out and give it to those people (It’s a small church, I imagine that he knows who needs them by sight for regulars).

I think a lot of photographers do it because it’s trendy, but it also covers some bad photography. I really needed to make sure we didn’t have that problem, because my husband is much paler than me and the kind of blown out photos would have basically made him look like a ghost with no nose.

Uggh, I hate the crazy exposure trend that I was seeing when picking out a wedding photographer. I had a good friend whose photographer used such high exposure that you can barely see the bride’s face in a lot of the pictures. It was so hard to find a photographer that didn’t do it in my area a few years ago.

She was a doctor who Tom was into and was in the filibuster episode.

Fine, funny, but she was kinda playing the straight man against Tom as a love interest. She was a different character than any of the clones though, which lends to my Parks and Rec character is a clone theory.

She did guest on Parks and Rec, which made me decide that it’s the same universe and her character on Parks and Rec is another clone who doesn’t know it.

I agree with this. I had four- my sister, sister in law (who I am close with) and my two best friends. My husband was supposed to have five, but one couldn’t show- my brothers and his 3 closest friends. I have a bunch of friends with families that are a dozen or more kids plus cousins who have a chunk of siblings and

True facts- I took a class called “Modern History of Asia” in college, which really was focused on East Asian history after 1500. The prof’s area of interest was Korea mostly, so his focus had a lot to do with Korea, then China, and lets just say, he didn’t even attempt to make Japan look good in the WWII era (unlike

This is how you go to the Met Gala. Don’t show up in some dress that you would wear to any other red carpet event, go big, riff off the theme, or go the fuck home. Embrace a headdress, dress up like you’re on the set of a Star Wars film (I’m looking at you, Anne Hathaway, and I fucking love you for it), have a train

True facts- my interest in royal children is EXACTLY the same as my interest in cut cat videos. It is driven by adorableness. Babies=cute. Ok, some babies are ugly, but they’re still kinda fun.

So much of my wedding “excesses” came from familial and cultural norms. My family does big weddings with everyone we’ve ever met invited and well fed. I had to tell my parents to stop inviting people because we were going to run out of room at the church. I come from the kind of family where my grandfather’s aunt’s

My mom and I had two blow outs during my wedding planning process. The first was her asking me what the them of our wedding was and me saying “wedding.” She was so so pissed (she is a woman who likes party planning and themes. I BEGGED her as a child to have a themeless birthday party).

I can’t describe how happy that makes me. Like, the little 4th grader who was in love with the Spice Girls in me still thinks they’re the best couple ever.

I try to find a way to share that regularly. It is one of the greatest things on the internet.

He’s seen some of it, although it seems like a lot of the people who are so Christian that they must go “save the heathens” don’t let their kids explore their heritage as much as the just generally well meaning types.