
I hadn't heard of any of the allegations until recently, but let's be honest- Bill Cosby was not the looming presence in my life that he was in a lot of other people's. By the time The Cosby Show went of the air, I wasn't even old enough to watch it. I saw it on reruns, largely on TV Land type channels, but did not

I bought that lipstick color for like, a day, and then took it back to Sephora because I decided I'm not cool enough for it.

She has a couple of songs on it too and they're great.

I know, just once I would like a boycott that I actually had to, you know, give something up for. Boycott Wal-Mart- done, there aren't any near me to make me go there anyway. Boycott Chick-fil-a- would have been hard in college but not now that, again, there's one near me and why would I go there over someplace else?

I'm in! I mean, I'm nowhere near DC and will be traveling even further away from it on Black Friday, so, I'm in in theory!

You're thinking of General Joseph Hooker, and the use of hooker for prostitute, not ho. No clue about the origin of Ho, but I do know my Civil War history (also that the term hooker first appeared pre-General Hooker, but became associated with him because he had a reputation for having a really undisciplined army and

It doesn't happen to me so much anymore, I stopped being a hard core athlete in college and my boobs and hips came in.

I wore makeup all through high school because it was so easy to confuse me with a 6th grader without it. I literally have a picture from when I was 17 and in charge of a group of 6th graders at camp and you can't tell who the non-12 year old is. My brother was the same way and I have at least one good male friend who

Right? I was under the impression that it was standard to learn British English over American, at least in most countries (and probably, to a degree, depending on the teacher). I remember meeting an exchange student from Sweden who spoke with a perfect newscaster American accent but said she used to get docked points

Uggh, I know a woman who did something very similar. She also did it in a country where it's pretty hard to adopt internationally, so would complain about all of these hoops she had to jump through to get her son, which included convincing his family to sign him over to her. One of the reasons that international

Oh I thought I was alone. I don't get the Channing Tatum thing. My sister in law is in love with him and I'm just like- meh, with that muscle shape, give me a Hemsworth.

So he did a Gap ad last year (year before?) and his beautiful beautiful face was GIANT in the Gap window that I had to walk by to get anywhere. Mmmm...

I don't even think that they all look super waif-like, it's just that we see her without tights and out of costume much more frequently than many other top tier ballerinas so you can really see her musculature. It gets talked up a ton because she was told that she had the "wrong" body for ballet, but seriously- put

The first one is partially just how her joints are put together, mixed with her INSANE calf muscles. I have big ass calf muscles and when I was more flexible, my feet would lift of the ground just kind of on their own when I stretched. Never to that degree, but I am a) not a professional dancer and b) not put together

The Ella Enchanted movies needs to be burned and then the book needs to be remade- to actually be like the book, which was fucking amazing.

Brandy Cinderella was the best fucking thing I had ever seen in my life when it came out. I wanted nothing more than to be Brandy. And then I realized I couldn't sing... But the costumes in it, those I would wear, daily.

Jesse Williams in on my Sexiest Man Alive list every year. Every year he is denied, but my god, we've all seen his eyes right? And listened to him give eloquent interviews while wearing a hoodie to make a point? AND seen his eyes?

Both cool and weird. I like it!

Well, North America also has some of the most limited range of meats that are "acceptable" in the world- both in terms of animals they come from and cuts of meat. I wish I could find the study on how much more limited the standard selection of meats have become over time, I think it was on NPR maybe.

With the mercury, isn't that the case with a lot of seafood, especially higher up on the food chain? Like, they say to avoid too much of it in general because of that? It's honestly not something I worry about a ton, I live in a place where good, fresh seafood is kinda hard to get to, unless you fish (I don't, no