
There's actually a third Hemsworth brother who was also an actor. He's like the third Manning brother- Payton and Eli get all the glory, their brother's an accountant or something normal.

Starring for my love of Chris Pratt, not because I agree with your assessment of Chris Hemsworth. Chris Pratt is Andy Dwyer to me, and I adore Andy Dwyer.

Honestly, as an equal opportunity meat eater, I would probably eat dolphin if I could be sure it wasn't endangered or threatened. I won't eat endangered species based food, but pretty much fall into the "meh, I'll try it" category for food otherwise. It's probably not something I would go out of my way to try, but on

So capes, they're becoming a thing again? Please, make this answer yes. After Lupita Nyong'o wore her kick ass cape dress and now Solange is rocking a 2 different capes? Please capes be a thing again. Also, I HATE jump suits, but I love that one.

Right? Like, ok if you don't want to photograph a gay wedding or maybe a wedding in a specific church, can't you just say something like "oh we're booked that day... sorry."

My dad's sister and my mom's brother both had their only kids at 45. They get this question ALL the time. My uncle's wife is a bit younger than him, so it's not so bad, but my aunt's husband is a few years older than her, so it's a constant "oh so you're the grandparents..." Which, tbh, isn't that unfeasible,

Both my mom and dad have aunts that are closer to them in age than my grandparents. My family is big on really late in life surprise babies and no kids in between the oldest and youngest (no one in my family has more than 3 kids for the past 4 generations).

My mom was a teacher. At my brother's high school graduation, we're sitting in the stands and a woman behind us shout's "oh there's my grandbaby!" My mom looks back because she recognized the voice, looks forward again, eyes bugged out, and says, "holy shit that woman was my student." As in- the woman who is younger

I want to see a stat that backs that up. Most men I know care about fashion to a degree, maybe not as much as me, but definitely more than, say, my female best friend (who doesn't give a fuck). No, they're not following the catwalks, but are concerned with finding clothing that is in style, at least to a degree. Now

True facts the ways to be undocumented are amazingly diverse, I have a family friend who came over undocumented because of errors in government filing. She was a child, her mom sent in the proper paperwork and something asshatty happened along the way. So, her mom goes on and gets her American citizenship and my

Neither did I, so I just looked them up. Dude, I totally get those. Not bad ones, the kind that just kinda come out with the tip of my tongue but I had NO idea what it was. My life suddenly makes more sense.

Squeeeeee! Does that sad little doggy need a home? He could come live with me and my little puppies.

I always accepted it at face value too, but I hung out with dancers, so that shape never shocked me much, but the piecing together makes way more sense.

I agree that she looks better when she goes less heavy on the eyeliner. She's got such a pretty eye color and shape, but it gets totally obscured with the heavy black eyeliner she normally wears and just switching to brown probably would make a difference.

Rule 34 is real for a reason.

Now playing

This cycles funny and annyoing. Like, the sound gets funnier one minute and I am literally laughing hysterically at it and then the next minute, it's annoying. It's also pissing off my dog.

Oh Redfoo, why didn't you use the nepotism you have access to and not associate yourself with this.

I'm convinced that contouring makeup is some sort of crazy voodoo, so my guess is it's a mix of makeup, photoshop, lighting, and posing. I'm using myself as an example here, but with different eyeliner shapes, my eyes look rounder or more almond-y. If I do my makeup right, you don't see the natural dark circles, which

Right? Do the same thing with the Miss America pageant too, when the contestants are photoshopped and made up, they look SO similar.

Remember, some of this is contouring makeup too. I mean, you get really similar results in making everyone look the same, but it's not all plastic surgery. Contouring freaks me out man.