
Wasn't there a law suit in China in the past year or so where a woman had radical plastic surgery, got married, got pregnant, and then her kids came out looking like her original face, so her husband sued her for having "ugly children?" I'm pretty sure I read something to that degree, I'll have to look.

You definitely want to get a blood test when you have a chance to be absolutely sure, but, your pregnancy symptoms could also be really bad PMS symptoms. What you're describing is exactly what happens to me when I am about to get my period, especially the hungry and peeing constantly thing.

#1 and #2 were key for me. I brought my mom and stepdad (I value his fashion advice more than anyone else). I knew I wanted a not strapless, not mermaid style dress (the primary dress style when I got married). We honestly went in looking at bridesmaid dress colors (not dresses, colors, to make sure I actually wanted

Had he been born in another time and place, my husband would have WAY too much in common with Lord Grantham. Minus the bad financial decisions, he's in finance.

My husband. Like, I don't he does. He's too honorable.

Photoshoppers need to remember that people have knees. He legs look flat, like Gumby flat in this picture.

Super cool! do they come with books like American Girl dolls?

The only time I haven't voted since turning 18 was when I was exactly in this situation. I couldn't get home to vote, I didn't have the right paperwork to register in my college town, and I forgot my absentee ballot.

Adding Libby Anne to the mix because she also evaluates the culture more than just her own story.

That's been my experience. I have a friend who is ex-Quiverfull. Her rebellion was going to college and questioning creationism. Then, as her parents flipped the fuck out about her new found belief in evolution as God's tool for life, she realized that they were full of shit and had more rebellion. But seriously, it

I saw this same thing and had the same thought and pissed off-ness. My friend who posted the response has this horrible tendency to post things saying something along the lines of "Look at this bit of Catholic doctrine, doesn't this clear everything up?" No, dear, not everyone is Christian and even among those who

Maybe actually play soccer onstage? Like create pee-wee soccer style fields on stage? It's a good question, I imagine several incidents of balls to faces/ in the audience.

True facts, that is the scariest shit I have ever read. Ghost stories are creepy but people? People are so much worse.

Am I alone in thinking this cover looks like some freaky Real Doll version of Taylor Swift that also has dandruff? I'm assuming it's supposed to be snow, but it looks not right.

Nope nope nope. I also have really lucid dreams in new places and have dismissed similar feelings of someone in the room like that. Once was in my dorm freshman year, once was overseas and I still assume anti-malarials were involved in that feel. Now? Uggh, nope nope nope nope.

Marry me.

I agree. I actually was babysitting in high school for a couple going through a divorce and the dad, who hired me, was out with a girlfriend (although he told me he had to work, I knew both parents pretty well, it wasn't the first time I babysat for them). The mom called, found out I was there, not him, on the night

I mean, that's if you assume most people work a Mon- Friday work week. A lot of my friends and family don't and I alternate a lot of weekends. There's also an element of how far are you going. My family currently lives far enough away that any wedding I go to is a destination and would require just as much off time as

Even if I was the odd friend who actually has the money to fly halfway around the world, you know what I don't have? Time. Those two weeks a year I get off are usually reserved for away football games and visiting my Mom. So your wedding has now displaced either football or Mom. I hope you're happy.

Well, growing up, my favourite comic book character was Daredevil, so Daredevil was great, but there was also, like, if I could be one character from all of literature it would be... Woland from my favourite book, wait no, I change my answer, I would be Behemoth the cat from my favourite book which is called The