We didn't have a prom king/queen either, just one for homecoming. No pig's blood dumping either, just a lot of people trying to sneak in booze.
We didn't have a prom king/queen either, just one for homecoming. No pig's blood dumping either, just a lot of people trying to sneak in booze.
Not mine, unfortunately. I wish I was that creative. I have a good friend who's a Quiverfull escapee and you hear it in the ex-fundie circle a bit.
It's totally true. I know several people who do this and am related to vets who see it all the time. Also, The Simpsons did it too!
Apparently- and I just learned this, the dog in the first season was not Isis, but rather Pharaoh, and they had to cast a female dog because the dog that actually lives at Highclere hates other male dogs. Still, even assuming that Isis was just barely full grown at the beginning of the second season, she's still old…
Yeah, you pretty much see the kids being ushered into the library once a day to talk to their parents for a minute and then back to the nursery. Which, honestly, I imagine is not the least realistic thing on the show.
I bet Pharaoh was like, Pharaoh 4 and they just switch on and off- male dogs= Pharaoh, female dogs= Isis.
I always assumed that this is Isis 2 or 3 and Lord Grantham is really unoriginal with naming his dogs.
This is why I maintain that the Kardashians are the most honest reality tv family. They're pretty up front with their fame whoring, not saying "oh, we value modesty more than anything" and then turning around and plastering themselves on magazines or saying "my kids are so important, I'm being so careful with their…
Man, I always imagined that she slid out, like those old SS officers that people are arresting in the US and Canada when they're in their 90s. Because that's the type of person I see her as.
I think there's something in there too about Dean's father having left because he wanted to save Dean and his mother form Voldemort because he was trying to help fight him... I can't remember all of it, but I want more Dean Thomas.
I agree with this and also don't think the JK Rowling is the type of person to imply that rape is a punishment/ her karma/ she had it coming. It's just contradictory to everything she has said otherwise. The idea that Umbridge was raped by the centaurs has been repeated a lot, but I just reread the book and…
I agree with you that she's had a lot lying around for 15 years. She's come out and said that even, plus, you know she has a lot of notes scribbled everywhere. I heard that she also tried to get in a lot more information about Dean Thomas at some point in the first book, but it was too clunky. When they went to cast…
Where is this from? It's amazing. This is a real thing?
Agreed. Thank god I'm not famous enough for people to drag out my idiotic home videos from when I was a kid. I would have come off super annoying too.
That's my feeling. I am good at geography and trivia (and better at it than about 95% of the population) but by no means remember everything I learned in my exceptional geography class.
My friend does it for Easter, you can do it for Halloween! (My friend is also super devoutly Christian, so it's even more hilarious).
Also- the War on Christmas? Let's back off the martyrbation long enough to remember that Easter was traditionally a more major holiday in the Christian calendar. Like Christmas is important, the death and resurrection of the guy whose death and resurrection is the basis of the religion? Easter is being more taken over…
Pssh, but that would require him to recognize that history has a BC. Also I bet he assumes most of the world stopped sometime between 0 and 1776 and started back up again when the US came on the scene.
To be fair, I had a genuinely top notch geography teacher in my public school, but know for a fact that some of my classmates didn't deem geography worthy enough to bother trying to retain any knowledge of it after her class ended. Not just our public schools messing up but our own sense of overimportance.