Yeah, her music never appealed much to me, but the more I hear about her as a person the more I like her. It's pretty brave of her to take a producer on like this and I'm glad she's doing it. Put me in the rooting for category.
Yeah, her music never appealed much to me, but the more I hear about her as a person the more I like her. It's pretty brave of her to take a producer on like this and I'm glad she's doing it. Put me in the rooting for category.
Yup, and I'd rather spend it on food. Mmmmm good food.
Oh my god, that's my favorite of the series. I don't know why, it's not like the best of the series, but I loved it! I think I might have had a thing for either Sandy or Denys. Odd literary crushes!
Yeah, the actress wanted to go take care of her ailing father. Like, you can't blame her, but still, it's too bad for the show.
That is the perfect description of Afghani food. I had a professor who was involved with an Afghani charity and every year they had a big fundraiser. My prof would recruit a bunch of us to "volunteer" at it, but volunteers don't get paid and we got paid in yummy yummy homemade Afghani food. Best charity event ever.
Not in my case. I would have looked like I was playing dress up. I am not nearly as elegant as Lady Mary.
Do we have the same husband? Mine was talked into a diamond by the nice jeweler and I really like it, but yeah, tons of outside pressure there.
You are not alone, and my hunt was 100% motivated by Mary's wedding tiara. Fortunately, these did not exist then and I was talked out of it by older wiser people.
As a fellow white person, count me in on this. I didn't get cable in time for Pete & Pete and don't think I've ever actually seen an entire episode, but Kenan & Kel was amazing. Also, let's throw All That in there- one of the best kid shows of all time. It consistently had my dad laughing and convinced that it was…
Don't even care about the article, this gif is everything.
I WISH someone had said this to me as a teenager. I have broad shoulders and always avoided working out my arms much because I A) build muscle really easily and B) didn't want to look like a dude and muscles plus broad shoulders = masculine to 16 year old me. Now, I wish I had so I wouldn't be fighting so hard to get…
You speak the truth. I look awkward in strapless dresses and miraculously found one that wasn't. It was an almost 10 year old dress on clearance, but it had straps! I really wanted sleeves, but that was too far for fashion unless I wanted a direct Kate Middleton knock off (I thought about it, but it was too much of a…
My dad's family is like, the textbook epitome of WASP (I mean, we're talking Richard and Emily Gilmore here) and this is so true. It's very "yes, we attend a church, no go away, we're not talking about it outside of church related functions."
I wonder what her reaction would be to that story though. Gisella Perl saved how many lives by ending pregnancies? Should she have let them die and not have a chance to survive and have other kids because of a fetus? You mean there's moral ambiguity and not everything is black and white? Would this cause a Duggar's…
And super pro-life Catholics too. I got roped into attending an event at an Opus Dei church and there was this asshole girl there trying to convince me to put money into a raffle for a "documentary" that "proved that abortion equalled the Holocaust." I don't do well under rage, said- "you're fucking kidding me" and…
The rapey factor in the books nearly turned me off of them entirely, and I have a very high squick tolerance. There's one scene that's rapey and kind of gets played off a bit sensually, but there's another rapey part that is gut wrenching. I seriously put down the book and was like, uggh, wtf, I can't do this (and…
Welcome to both my reaction to Netflix taking it down AND the ending of the show. For the record, I agree it makes sense in the logic of the show, if not in, you know, a way that resembles our earth logic, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Spoilers after here- True facts though, I would have been much better with…
OK, this just proves that I am an asshole for not listening to her entire album ever, even though I like her singles, because that cover is awesome and I needed to discover it months ago. I suddenly want a Lorde tribute to The Replacements. Just have her do Tim, I think it fits her voice well. Or for her to pair up…
Yeah, I always worry about young singers with that much natural talent that they probably haven't had much training. That's how you end a career people.
Yeah, she needs some vocal coaching- not for her voice but for her enunciation. I really can't understand her, but if she got some control behind it, I think she'd be enjoyable. It might help if she just sang and let her back up dancers do their thing too...