
Maybe she's just what he was looking for and didn't realize it until they met. As for being engaged so quickly- in the words of the great Michael Bluth, "you gotta lock that down"

So, I was too young for Buffy when it first came out, I discovered it in high school during the last season BUT going back and watching it now makes me want to embrace the late 90s fashions in a way that would look super weird now. It's scary how much that show makes me want to dress like Buffy.

Martha Jones's red leather jacket

I demand you show up to mine like that. Because it would be awesome.

My impression of Fargo seriously makes the movie look WAY more accurate than it should. I went to a cousin's wedding there. In January. In between two blizzards. I need to go not at night and in the summer sometime.

This is so true. I try to avoid this with our various Minnesotan relatives, but it never fails. We order the same stuff.

As a native Midwesterner, is there anyone who really is good with North Dakotan cities? I know they are different and frequently separated by miles upon miles are pretty landscapes (we got it in our heads to drive from Glacier National Park to Fargo in a day).

I also recommend-… if you want to read more about Quiverfull and general patriarchal Christianity. Start with Libby Anne's story and also her nice takedown of Duggar defenders. It's creepier than even the slate article.

My stepdad used to... He was literally the only person I knew and tended to only have it on because he couldn't fathom not having the TV on. I always assumed the viewership was made up of people who can't not have a TV on and only have basic channels.

If Harry Potter is going to be an organized religion, call me an early member. I am so in on that one.

Also, as I think about it- the way my school did majors and scheduling was based around the idea of credit hours. In order to graduate, you had to have something like 120 credit hours, but some majors, like a lot of the poli-sci, history, anthro ones only had something like 50 required credit hours (this didn't count

Not typically, at least in my experience. It means that you have to meet all of the requirements of each major, however, certain majors overlap enough that you could do three majors with the work of 1.5, depending on what they are. My husband, for example, double majored because his two degrees had 90% of the same

Where is Chandra Wilson's Emmy? If Katherine Heigl can win one- where the shit is Chandra Wilson's? She is the character on tv who if she cries, I'm in a ball crying like a baby.

Oh yeah- my mom read them as a kid, so she gave them to me when I was starting to read. I actually want to go back and read some of the Betsy as a teenager/adult ones because some of it flew over my head as a kid (since I wasn't as aware of things like history of the time period when I read them).

I'd wear this in a heart beat. Bring on the funky jackets!

I fucking love you for this comment. Seriously, I moved to Minnesota, I work about halfway between Mankato and Minneapolis, my sister in law went to Mankato State, my in-laws are fucking from here and NO ONE seems to know who she is. Guys, who let you not read those books?

I mean, having a vet in the family means we hear about a shit load of crazy "you will not believe what this dog ate" stories, but that is a universal favorite.

So, I'm related to a vet who periodically has to extract things from dogs' stomachs, as vets are prone to do. One day, a woman comes in with a dog and says she thinks he ate something. My relative does an x-ray, says, yup, there's something fabric-y in there, we'll have to have it surgically removed. So the woman and

So, I've never had a male gyno, but the only one I could get an appointment with right now is male. I'm reading all of these other responses and am so glad to see this. I'm a bit uncomfortable, but kinda figure, eh, why not give it a try now, I can switch next year if I need to.

Truth. The world is burning down! No one cares, Jay Cutler is injured... again.