
Radisson hotels pulled out of Vikings sponsorship over this yesterday too. I think that's why they've resuspended him. Why yes, I do live in the Twin Cities, and no, apparently there is NOTHING else going on in the world, judging by the Vikes coverage.

Ah look- confirmation on why I dislike most breakfast foods at fast food places. I pretty much say fuck it, I'll wait until they switch to lunch.


I just snorted. I am at work. I'm glad no one is in the office right now.

Given that Rhianna is wearing it? I'm going to venture to guess someplace I can't afford and that wouldn't let my less than high fashion self in.

Agreed. No one should have to plan their fashion around one event that happened to them. I seriously bet the thought process for that necklace was- dude, that is a cool ass necklace, I'm going to wear it.

I don't know what's going on with this necklace, but I fucking love it. It's like crazy cyborg jewelry.

So that's 5 of the dwarves from The Hobbit that I am officially seriously into.

Seriously. I went partially vegetarian in college because I couldn't justify spending money on meat. It was WAY cheaper, especially since I took advantage of things like dried lentils and frozen vegetables.

This is my trick. I'm not vegan, I'm not even vegetarian, but on occasion, I cook something without any animal product. No one notices it until you point it out. I just remember my sister in law FREAKING out one night when we went for Thai food and my husband was having a "meh, don't want meat" night and ordered tofu

Mine like to eat paper. Cleaning up papery poop? Blerg. One is TERRIFIED of his poop when he eats paper, but is also a dog, so doesn't realize the cause and effect there. He poops and goes running as far away from it as he can. They also keep eating hairs, so sometimes get poop stuck in their butts, just barely

Dear Mr. President, make this a thing. I understand if you want to wait until you're out of office, but make this a thing.

Our church did that once (I'm not Catholic). Our dogs were too badly behaved to take, but there was a random cat who just joined in at church from time to time (we didn't have A/C, so kept the doors open and so the cat just came in willy- nilly).

True facts- one of the reasons my husband isn't a Catholic any more is because his religion teacher in middle told him that heaven was only for people, no dogs. He said fuck that noise.

Me too. I would have been 7 or so when the vaccine was introduced. I had chicken pox as an infant, my younger brother would have had it just prior to the vaccine being introduced. I can't remember if my youngest brother ever had chicken pox or if he had the vaccine- he was a micro preemie, so was kept pretty isolated

Agreed. The only people I've met who have had polio or problems with the after affects of preventable diseases are people from developing countries, and I only met them because I traveled fairly extensively. I'm in my mid 20s, my parents are end of the boom baby-boomers. I know they and my aunts and uncles all had

Truth. The orange is amazing.

Also- jesus there is some cool information. I love this type of document, how have I gone so long in my life without knowing about it (pushes glasses up nose, pretends not to be a nerd).

Yes! I know the name of the town and general location (I found my great-great grandfather's naturalization papers and all of that is on it, plus the boat he came over on, which is how I was able to figure out what his name got changed to at Ellis Island). This is such great information because I've just been having

I feel like there's a lot of old country first cousin marriage. It pops up in the part of my family tree that I can trace too... I'm sure it pops up in my Ashkenazic ancestry as well, but I'm just totally unsure of how to go about tracing the records (my great grandfather married a Catholic woman and was disowned. My