
While I'm seriously happy with our "let's get married" theme, I desperately tried to convince my husband that we wanted a Futurama themed cake, complete with a Planet Express ship crashing INTO the cake. He vetoed that... I did, with no problems at all convince him to have Archer themed save the dates.

Dude, Shiloh just became Louise Belcher in my head. She sounds like Kristen Shaal and is taking over this shit. I'm so sticking to this.

A whole lot of fucking people. I, like many women, including my mother, did not change my name. 90% of the time, wedding invites are addressed to Mr and Mrs Husband's Name. I make a point of always responding that Ms. LolaSocks and Mr Husband will be attending/not attending. Most people correct their mistake on

Also, it's 3 kids. Like, that's not that many. And judging by how the two older ones are spaced out, yes, she is familiar with birth control.

Also, at least in my area, summer has been fucking cold. I mean, like, pleasant, sure, but not a single day of "omg it's so fucking hot I want snow." I am wearing a long sleeve shirt, jacket, and scarf trying to keep warm right now. Fuck that noise.

I also enjoy pointing out that Christmas is one holiday surrounded by many many others, even in the Christian tradition. Starting in December, you're basically hitting some sort of Christian holy day every day. Now I'm sure that Kirk Cameron doesn't acknowledge those days as filthy Catholic things (we Episcopalians

I have vague tank top lines from wearing a variety of sleeveless things and whitish legs from wearing long dresses all the time.

I'm the same way- my skin tone is yellowy olive and so when I'm pale I can look ill. I usually have a bit of normal "I go outside sometimes and do shit without reapplying sunscreen" tan (which, for me, is a faint tan compared to what I could get if I went and baked) in the summer that keeps the sickly away, but also

She's missing a crown. Seriously, she looks like she should be wearing a crown and ruling over all of us. I saw another picture of this dress without the white backdrop and it is probably my favorite dress of the evening.

Nope, it's a body snark free zone (or at least supposed to be) but fashion choices, especially celebrity red carpet ones are open game. Stick around, no one ignores her accomplishments, but part of the career she's in is about showing up to events like this and a major part of showing up to events like this is the

Ok, so I think the dress is heinous, but this make up is just as bad. With the new platinum hair (which I kinda like) and that much eye liner AND red lipstick she kinda has a bit of a clown look going on. Remember, bold eyes or bold lips, not both.

I want her hair to be up, or at least half up to not interfere with that awesome architectural shoulder thing on her sleeve. Then this look would be perfect.

Did you see this? Basically, my morning commute is a vital source of all news.

Prince keeps holding private shows at Paisley Park. Like, he calls someone, says "come to my studio in an hour" and they go, come back, say it's amazing, the most Prince place on earth, and that his new album will be great. I want nothing more than to know how to get in on one. I'll stalk one of the DJs he keeps

First picture I thought, hmm, Kim looks like she's telling her to pay attention. And then the last picture.

I'm not surprised. I imagine a lot of Little League-ers peak at a young age or simply burn out, plus, I know so many high school phenoms who tear all the tendons in their arms while being scouted (a friend was a lefty pitcher with a 90 MPH fastball in high school, injured out by the middle of college, exactly what

I know! I keep hoping she doesn't tear out her shoulder in the next few years, like so many young pitchers.

Can you imagine not even being ALONE with your partner until your wedding day? I mean, that's how they do "courting." What if you found out they were putting on a show the whole time and were just the worst to be around.

Ha, something similar happened to me driving to Chicago (I was in Indiana and this guy had an Illinois plate). On the high way, accidentally cut him off. See that he's really close behind so I merge back to where I came from. He comes up beside me and flicks me off- fine I deserved that. Then he merges in front of me,

Now playing

One of the best Bob's Burgers songs in a show full of really fun songs.