
Right? I was a picky-ish kid (I liked a lot of weird non "kid" foods, but wouldn't touch tomato sauce with a ten foot pole, still can't stand the smell of ketchup), so I packed most days for lunch. NBD. I packed too, not my mom, not my dad, me, because they didn't have time and said if I was going to be picky I had to

Haha, that's like my college roommate. He was in my room once (before we lived together) and I was loading tampons into a storage space and apologized for all of the feminine products. His reaction was "umm, who cares... I have sisters." I wouldn't have apologized if not for that stupid trope + other guys who think

Seconding this. I freaking love weddings, including the really traditional banquet halls with forgettable food ones.

I agree, and I actually am one of those people who really grew up with one "best friend" (we were born within weeks of each other and have been together ever since, but still- we had other friends). I think that's why so many people use their siblings as MOH or go my route and have two.

That's kind of what I figured they were doing. I'm actually ok if that's what they choose to do, since we never got a chance to really like the style team in the movies, they wouldn't pull the same weight as in the book. Since she lives through Mockingjay and they never really flesh out what happens to her, just imply

So much this. I haven't given up gluten (I have no need) but was thinking about it while cooking for friends who can't eat it- I barely eat gluten anyway. Some wheat in my bread, the occasional pasta, but holy shit I eat a lot of rice and corn. It's not too much of a stretch.

Agreed. I really liked Friends while it was on, but really struggle with re-runs. It also went off the air when I was in high school, so I can't help but think my tastes have just matured. I seriously think the overall quality of TV has improved, especially because of the cable networks amping things up.

Yeah, there's no way BBT is anywhere near as influential as Friends. I don't love either, but seriously.

In terms of quality? No. In terms of size and number of people watching? I think it's pretty close.

The look I tried to force my mother to buy me for most of elementary school... I grew up in the 90s and didn't see Annie Hall til college, I don't know where it came from, I just really really loved vests, ties, and suspenders with pinstripe pants. PS, pint sized Annie Hall clothing, surprisingly difficult to find as

This was me in high school. I also remember being really annoyed that people wouldn't listen to me about ANYTHING even though I was right. Directions? No, you're 16 you don't know where we're going, lets ignore the fact that you have an uncanny sense of direction and know where everything is. I was also really

A lot of the tribes who the headdresses are based on crossed the US/Canadian border, since, you know, there wasn't a border for most of the tribes' existence, but the ones that are most commonly associated with it seem to be mostly located in the US. I really think the real phrasing is because the author is American,

Remember, Oreos are vegan. I for one can gain a ton of weight on Oreos.

This is very true. I speak from experience and not even as a young kid. My mom had a shit load of SWA frequent flyers, so that's what we usually flew, but we were never allowed to board early with her (so she didn't board early). When we were between the ages of 10-15, my siblings and I NEVER had a problem sitting

I heard it was decent, but then, the woman I heard that from might be biased since her sister is in the cast. I tend to trust her opinions on musicals though.

Sometimes, I think it'd just be a better option. For safety. I flail around when I sleep and have woken up on multiple occasions because of elbow collisions with my husband's nose. It's a good thing I haven't landed too hard yet, because I would hate to break it or something really painful. Double beds would also be a

Very much this with the pockets of society. I am an upper middle class white woman who grew up with parents who all worked in the same industry and attended school to go into a profession where women have overtaken men about 60/40 % and have never had to worry about things like access to birth control. I can easily

I mean, to be fair, I've had fewer assholes here than other places I've lived. Somehow, we just can't totally eliminate the assholes.

I can download them on my Kindle? I fucking love you. You literally have no idea.

Yes. I read the first book at age 11. The last one came out when I was almost done with college. I related WAY too well to 15 year old hormonal pissed off Harry because I was 15 year old hormonal pissed off me. I knew a Luna Lovegood and my first boyfriend looked like my image of Harry Potter, just with blue eyes