
I disagree about Cuckoo, I read it in almost one sitting while in the car (I cannot read in the car, there's too many cool things to look at, so that should say something). I totally agree about the Casual Vacancy though. While I didn't like it exactly, just not my favorite genre, I thought it was excellently written,

Did they pass over Idris Elba or did Idris Elba pass over them? In my mind, he just said, hahaha, no, because he has better things to do.

I'm doing a reread now and totally forgot how young the first book feels. The kids act childish, they don't have the weight of the world on their shoulders yet, the wording is simple, it's very to the point. There is the freaking genius of that series, it just ages with the characters.

I completely adored her mysteries. I put down Cuckoo's Calling and just said, I want the sequel please.

I think there's a lot of "this is my life" in the Strike novels. The first one having so much to do with paparazzi, the second with the literary world. I'm ok with that, tbh, it's not like authors are never self referential or anything. Her pseudonym's bio really seems like the self insertion in that series too.

Any good James Potter fanfiction you'd recommend? I'm asking on behalf of a friend. Named me. Because I need more!

I've been forced to go places like that (My Lai massacre site is a prime example) and have found that the best thing for me to do is go off by myself and focus on the architecture of memorial designs and let my resting bitch face take over. If I'm around someone else, smirk and giggle.

One of the many many reasons I don't want to go visit Auschwitz or any other camp- I tend to be inappropriately chipper when I'm uncomfortable or supposed to be solemn. I'm horrible at funerals, I've been to massacre sites and it holds, I should not be allowed at Auschwitz and neither should anyone else like me.

True facts, that was me as a kid. I heard the Weird Al version of a lot of songs well before the original, largely because my parents shunned music produced after 1980. My first exposure to Madonna, rap, and a lot of alternative/grunge stuff came from Weird Al because it just wasn't what my parents listened to and I

If you're a bad feminist, then so am I for not changing my name because of sheer laziness. I don't have a career that relies on it, I'm not making a statement, I simply didn't feel like dealing with the paperwork and loosing my spot at the top of the alphabet.

I'm pretty sure that the marching band in the Sports Song song is wearing the same uniforms as my high school marching band. Orange and black are not good school colors people. Half of your teams end up looking like pumpkins.

That wasn't actually meant as a joke.

But it's not a tragedy without a conspiracy theory!

It's a thought that's crossed my mind. I'm pretty sure that I'm only going to like every other season of this show and this is going to be an off year. I couldn't watch the Asylum one at all.

Even cuter. I love stripes.

"Mother, I am the future king and I want that horse. I will be distracted by paper though, if you have any on hand"

Most important thing I got out of this article- Look how cute those little pink overalls are!

Hello, Cincinnati!

Do it! I mean, I was dead serious when I said it because I just didn't even understand the question. We had colors and a couple of patterns that we used for invitations and stuff to create a bit of unity, but the theme was mr socks and lolasocks getting married.

Do not do it outside if you live in the midwest. I'm not saying I have a cousin who did that, I'm just saying I've never heard my grandmother complain so much about anything as having to dress up and be outside in a costume on a rainy October day.