
Mine too! My mom asked me what our theme was. I said wedding and she got really mad. Nothing cutesy, the DIY stuff was purely cost saving because I couldn't find invitations I liked for our budget, 1st Corinthians, a-line white wedding dress, traditional vows, tiered cake (no cupcakes, no pie, cake) wine, beer, much

The problem with the "nun" argument to me has always been very simply that nuns do not have the same amount of influence and power in the church as priests. Nuns and priests are not the same, so why do so many Catholics act like it's an equal option? (BTW, I totally realize that I said clergy where I meant priest in

Straight up, I don't think I've been to a wedding with self written vows, at least as an adult. My friends and family tend to get married in churches with prescribed vows (my family is Catholic and Episcopalian mostly), elope, or are fairly unsentimental, so just don't do those self written vows.

Won't someone please think of the sweet corn! This cold shit and excessive rain is not good for it. God damnit, if I have to live in a climate that has -30 degree winters, I want 85 degree summers and fucking good sweet corn.

Right? wtf was that shit. If you're going to get married in a living room, don't wear a dress that's the same damn size as said living room. It's just common sense.

We also did traditional vows. Our rector asked us if we wanted to write our own and our answer was, umm, why? It's all covered in the in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, til death part. The end. He was really relieved, because our church isn't exactly flexible with the ceremony.

I think that orange hair color is probably the most flattering hair color I've seen on her. Like, it just makes her pop a bit.

This is what this dress looks like to me. I've been waiting for a picture of it in better light since the JLaw pictures, but seriously, she looks like a deconstructed Dalek.

I think this looks great from the waist up. From the waist down it's a diaper.

Yup, I agree. Caution appropriate to the kid I think. My parents were always less concerned with me going out than my brother because they knew my friends, knew that I was less like to take risks, and that he was much more likely to do something stupid like drink and drive.

Agreed. I grew up in the Episcopal church and got married there and they were always 100% behind birth control. When we did premarital counseling the topic of children was basically "are you on the same page about wanting kids? how many do you want? how would you react to a surprise kid/unplanned one?" as a means of

Because I know next to nothing about the differences and similarities between the ACC and the Episcopalians, have you guys done much with gay marriage and openly gay clergy? And did you have the break off groups like we did? We had a small chunk of churches split in half, some stayed Episcopalian and some started

True facts, I've yet to get a logical response to my question for very Catholic friends of "if the clergy is celibate, why does it matter what their reproductive parts are?" Oddly enough, I feel like the Catholic church will overturn the celibacy requirement before the male requirement.

I don't know anything about him, I'm not from the area, but I was rubbed the wrong way both by Rowan's question about "how do you prevent this from happening to other families" and his response of "don't let your teenage girls go to parties if you're not there." It just felt borderline victim blamey, or at least a set

They actually have started a GoFundMe for her (I think some family members are in charge of it). I have a good friend who lives a few blocks away from them, so it's been passed around the community from the sound of it. It's at about $160,000 now, which is great for her because the hospital bills will eat a chunk of

I forget how much more progressive the Episcopalians are than other Anglicans sometimes. Because this vote is literally 10 years after the bishop from the diocese I grew up in informed me that I'd make a great bishop. The lady parts don't stand in the way here.

Yeah, my flights through Atlanta have always been easy and honestly, I never have problems with TSA. I get in line, I have my shit ready, I smile and say good morning/afternoon/evening and if something slips by that they have to get rid of I just say shit, sorry, pitch it.

I've seen at least one tantrum every time I've gone through security at Midway or OHare. I'm sure it happens a lot at airports with a lot of tourists or ones that are really big regional ones where people who don't fly much end up.

Plus, how bitchy would you get if you pulled a meat cleaver out of a suitcase, said "umm, dude, you can't bring this" and then got screamed at for being evil incarnate? Or, you had to throw away someone's lotion/shampoo/etc that is too big for carry on, only to, once again, be screamed at, despite the rules being well

But you can have commitment outside of marriage. YOU might not like that kind of commitment, but it does work for other people. My marriage was not the commitment part of our relationship. It was the legal formalization of a commitment that we had made many years before. Had we not gotten married, we would still be in