
It's a bit different, but killing deer to keep the deer population in healthy shape is pretty much essential in the part of the US that I'm from. We've had problems with chronic wasting and large herds stripping entire forest areas of bark at deer level in places without hunting. So, killing animals to save animals

I don't usually like blues or ombre or sheer skirts but I am in love with this dress.

Truth! I'm a solid size 6 according to my measurements and most stores, which translates to a Small or Medium depending on the cut of things. At Ann Taylor, I'm a 4 with some wiggle room to go down more and an XS shirt. Seriously? I have shoulders like a linebacker, I NEVER not even when I was in high school and tiny

You cannot guess someones weight from looking at shitty photos that are angled to make them look worse than they are >.<

Wah wah... Sad trombone noise. To Mod Cloth!

This dress. I need it. Where do I find it?

Why, yes I am!

True facts- every wedding that I've been to in the past 3 or 4 years with people in my age group getting married has played this song. And every single lady in the room jumps to the middle of the dance floor, screams the lyrics, while the men stand to the side, looking confused. Fuck yeah, it's awesome. Oh, this also

Yeah, that was pretty much the situation with my aunt. They wanted someone who looked enough like her to make the kids blend a bit and to make sure that she didn't have some of the genetic issues that my aunt has that prevented her from wanting to use her own eggs in the first place.

I know some subway stations in the city I used to live in only had up escalators and then stairs. So while you could walk up the stairs, it was usually a task akin to a salmon going up stream with a bear in the way.


You and my husband. It's an on going joke that our kids need to get his hair because he was born with a full head of it and I was bald until I was like, 2 and even then my hair was light brown and my skin was the same color and it just blended.

I always thought she looked so much like a doll that it went into uncanny valley. Granted, this picture is probably photoshopped, even on her, but I felt like that with my friend who had a baby with a shit load of hair. I don't feel like that with all babies with hair, just some of them though.

It's my understanding that usually egg donors don't have rights in the situation. My aunt and uncle used an egg donor and basically the agreement was- here's some eggs, here's some money, and we'll never see each other again. I think a lot of times it's anonymous any way, but my aunt and uncle wanted to meet her

That's kind of adorable. Was the "not look at the artist" thing just standard procedure? Like why was that a thing?

He got to crap all over various nannies in a palace and on an official tour to Australia though. So... that's like, 5 pages.

Savory Pies!!!!! I want to go to this place and eat it all!

I dunno though- men's soccer is one of the few things that confirms my leaning towards the men-folk. Cause damn.

I need this shoe. Or, at least I need a cheap knockoff because I cannot afford this shoe.

We've done the same thing, not really on purpose, but yeah. Saturday afternoon, walking on Michigan Ave, 12 wedding parties trying to get pictures in the medians, by the river, etc. It's pretty hard not to watch.