
Her least favorite corgi still ranks above her favorite kids though. Which I can understand. Look at that face.

I was asked by my sister in law not too long ago after how many dates my husband and I started being physical (she's doing really traditional dating) and I couldn't answer. Because at that point, our "dates" were us hanging out with a group of friends in someone's dorm room. We lived in the same dorm, so our dates

Yeah, I think that'd be my mom's philosophy except she doesn't look 50 something and never feels like trying to prove it.

It was actually recorded by a Facebook friend (well a friend of a facebook friend, so it popped up when she commented) so I can't really link it. Hopefully he'll upload it to YouTube or something.

It's gotta be skewed by the Kim Kardashians of the world right?

I just say a great video of a Native American dude walking down the street and seeing an anti-immigrant protest and then telling every one of the (white) people there to go back home, because they're a bunch of asshole immigrants taking over his country. The protesters shut up really quickly and he just kept on

According to the AARP, yes. According to my 55 year old mother- fuck no.

Yes I have heard of Key limes and do know the difference between them and regular limes, but rarely, and I do mean rarely, have I seen them sold in the local groceries.

He acts? I thought he just stood around in pretty clothing. He is selling the hell out of that Hugo Boss suit.

I also grew up in the C-bus bubble and never heard them called anything other than Brazil Nuts, so you are not alone.

I think at most angles he looks a lot like his father. No question of his paternity that's for sure.

I actually had a class on historic preservation and since I went to school in Indiana, Gary's old homes and structures were a hot topic. There's some genuinely innovative buildings up there that are rotting out.

What the hell state are you living in? Because if that is in fact a law, they need to send it back to 1952 where it belongs. I know for a fact that both my dad and step-dad had

So, only the rich get racist limes. Classist racist limes.

Am I the only one who has never seen limes labeled as anything other than "limes"? Regional thing maybe? Am I laking fancy produce with racist names?

So many ways of failing that test too that aren't related to any other part of your personality or even a result of any external forces. I would likely fail that test. I fucking love BBQ, but the local chain makes their sauces with pineapple juice. I am allergic to pineapple so have to decline going there because me

Time out- Cameron Diaz is 41? I mean, this makes sense she's been around for a long time, but at the same time, I always thought she was no more than ten years older than me... I don't know why exactly. Maybe because in middle school when Charlie's Angels came out I thought she would be the coolest big sister. Also

I know the feeling. I just settled for an on sale dress that had straps.

Me too. She got married about a year and a half before me, so I thought, hey, they'll have put out a couple of collections by now right? WRONG.

Agreed. I'm confused by that shit. Is that a jucy lucy with guacamole on it? Just no. And, if there is a time and place for American cheese it is stuffed inside of a cheeseburger and melted into a molten lava ball of happiness. None of this fancy stuff.