
I guess I always just throw them in together, since I've always had them at the same time, just never thought to distinguish the two. Which, doesn't make a ton of sense, but there you have it. The pokey part bothers me less than the pap part. I always bleed. :( But, it looks like the annual pap is not required

True facts. I grew up in Central Ohio and view Cincinnati and Cleveland as different states. I mean seriously, Columbus is where it's at.

I mean, to be fair, I do know someone who was saved by her annual pelvic exam. She went in routinely, nothing seemed abnormal, until her pap came back positive for cancer cells, which were removed pretty quickly. They were still pretty aggressive and she had to have several surgeries (it wasn't an HPV caused cervical

They actually used Ann Coulter? Dude, even my most insanely conservative, more Catholic than the Pope, white male friends think she's crazy town banana pants. I don't even understand.

I used to call it "the Geordi Show" and beg my dad to watch it (which, he totally didn't mind, because, Star Trek). I actually think I watched TNG before Reading Rainbow, but both were really important in my early childhood. I can't help but think that LeVar Burton is one of the biggest reasons I am such an avid

4 year old me who had a major crush on both Geordi and LeVar because she didn't realize that they were the same person needs to know this answer.

Gary? I think Gary is worse than Cleveland. I have no love for Cleveland, but dude, Gary is awful. As my husband once said when he got lost there on his way to Chicago once "what war happened here? I didn't realize Gary was so bad."

Seriously Ohio? You're making Indiana actually look good.

Yup, and it's even different pregnancy to pregnancy. My mom was super active right up until I was born, but was forced to stay still with my brother, after having a comparable activity level pre-pregnancy with both of us.

Umm, why did they say "hey let's put anything other than Tyler or maybe Ty" on that name tag? Like, every time I've had to wear a name tag in a professional setting it was- Hey what's your name? cool, here's your tag. Oh, since there's 5 of you with the same name, we're adding an initial (thanks for the common name

That's standard procedure at Culver's. They give you a number, you pull up to a couple of parking spaces right by the drive through and the runners come out. Mmmm, Culver's...

Oh my god his voice. I think I'd fangirl way too hard. Also, sign of how I was raised- I never cared about Kiefer, but instead had a crush on Donald from MASH and Animal House. I should mention I was born in the late 80s.

Prince Gif party?

Except isn't Prince Philip known for sawing inappropriate shit and swearing on occasion? I bet he'd get a good laugh out of a normal Lena Headey conversation

Just curious because I really don't know- do police investigate things like this specifically as a hate crime or is it something that would be added as part of the charges later? Is there a different investigation process for hate crimes that are homicides or do all homicides get treated the same (in theory if not in

Did anyone ever write down any of her stories, cause I bet there is some fascinating stuff in there.

From what I understand- they usually have some sort of a man parts sock. I'm pretty sure someone from Sex and The City gave an entertaining interview about all of the man ass on that show an how they covered up the penis with a weird little sock thing. There's also a chance that they photoshop out or blend in any

Truth. They make life way easier sometimes.

Wait, what? I haven't had kids yet, but a clot the size of a door knob is normal after that?

Oh yeah, those fit me quite nicely. I just need money.